Chill bro

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

After driving to Namjoon's house, I walked in uninvited and slammed the door to let him know I'm there.

I heard a voice coming from the other room, it was Jin. "Let me guess, it's Yoongi right?"

"Of course it is. Who else has would have stolen my spare key?" Came Namjoon's voice.

I threw myself onto the couch, put my feet up on the coffee table and groaned, "Bring me Soju please, I need to drink away my sadness."

Jin and Namjoon walked into the room frowning at me. Jin grabbed my feet and aggressively yanked them off the table, while Namjoon smirked and took a seat next to me.

"What have I told you about putting your dirty nasty feet on my table? This is hand-carved mahogany! And you haven't even removed your shoes!" Jin said scolding me and pulling off my shoes.

Namjoon turned to me, "You aren't going to get any alcohol Yoongi, you can't drink it away. Now, what's the problem? Did you get a D on a test? Did you're brother break your phone? Or is it your mom again?"

I shook my head, "None of those. It's Jimin-"

Jin's head swerved in my direction as he was wiping down the table with disinfect, "What about Jimin? What did you do to that innocent child?"

I groaned and rested my head back onto the pillow and sighed, "Nothing, Jin. I didn't do anything. I was going to but..."

"But what?" Namjoon questioned.

"I was about to kiss him and-"

Jin squealed, "Oh my god, really? That's so cute, did you say sw-"

"BUT, I wasn't able to," I said cutting him off and finishing my sentence, "His mom walked in because she forget her phone and interrupted. When she left again, he didn't want to kiss me because he doesn't WANT a relationship with me."

They went quiet and the silence was deafening to me. "Any advice?"

Namjoon shook his head, "No, all I can say is to let him have his way. Only thing you can do is just try to win him over. Right Jinnie?"

He nodded in agreement. I scoffed, "You two are NO help at all. Amazing friends I have. I'm leaving."

As I got up to go, Namjoon stopped me and held out his hand, "MY KEY PLEASE."

"I don't have your key."

"Then how did you get in my house?"

"Front door was unlocked..."

Namjoon smirked, "Oh really?"

My eyes narrowed, he knew I was lying, "Yes?"


I pouted, "Why?"

"Because I don't want you to walk in on Jin and I having sex one day!"

With the thought of that in my head I quickly fished the key out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Thank you, now get out of our house."

I put my shoes back on and grabbed a cookie from the kitchen counter as I walked out hearing the protests of Jin complaining that I took it.


When I got home, the first thing that I noticed going through the front door was the music. Rap music, blasting, echoing through the house with EDM chords and such. Then, the smell of something burning, crisp and ready to start a fire. And finally, the dead giveaway, a trail of clothes strewn like bread crumbs from the door to the kitchen, and leading up the stairs.

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