The City

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5 years later

"Lylah. Ashton. Are you sure you have everything? Are you guys gonna be alright?"

"Yes Mother, for the millionth time." Ashton groaned. I smacked him on the arm for being rude.

"Yes Jess, we should be just fine. Thank you." I spoke up.

"I can't believe how grown up you two are. I'm proud that you both are going to the city. It's easier to blend in there." Jess smiled.

Me and Ashton were finally moving out and heading to the city together. Everything had changed since the Fire Nation overthrew Searlin. Benders no longer really had sectors. We all mixed in. There are some that stick together that are in scattered packs. But in the city they're all mixed in. Except for my kind of corse...

"Yeah we can't wait." I grinned.

"I know you can't. Just please be careful Lylah. Make sure Ashton's with you until you know it's safe." Jess said with caution.

I nodded at her.

I've basically have had to do stuff with Ashton for the past six years... In school I had to act like I was a Earth Bender, and Ashton would always be close by to secretly bend for me.

Keeping up this lie had been so rough at first. I was so use to using my powers on a daily biases, then I was all the sudden not suppose to use them at all... But thank god I had Keith and his family. He allowed me to still Water Bend. He says so that I won't loose myself, and so I can remember who I am and where I came from. I had done exactly just that. I bend everyday. And I'm no where near the same Water Bender I was five years ago.

I watched Jess as her eyes watered up looking at me and Ashton.

"Awe don't cry Mom. We'll come back and visit." Ashton said giving Jess a hug. I smiled at the sight.

"Okay, you guys better. I love you both. And sorry Keith isn't here to see you guys leave." She said pulling away from Ashton and giving me a hug.

Keith had started working for the government about a few years ago. So he worked a lot more than the man actually should.

"That's alright. And we will visit. Bye Jess." I said making my way towards the door, and Ashton saying one more goodbye to his mother.

I stepped outside and looked at my surroundings. I remember the first time I entered the house I spent the last six years in. I was terrified but I felt safe at the same time. These people gave me hope, when all hope was gone. My depression was the worst but they helped me so much through the process.

"Hey Ly, you ready to get going. It's quite a walk to the train station with all these suit cases." Ashton said setting his hand on my shoulder.

Searlin didn't have any cars anymore. The Fire Benders didn't allow them, or any other motor vehicles. They wanted to keep note where the citizen were going. So the only transportation was the train other than bikes.

The Fire benders banded a lot of things when the Water sector got killed off. No technology was allowed. They didn't like communication. And all mail is monitored.

"Yeah. Let's get going." I said readjusting my backpack and lifting my suit case up off the ground.

We walked about three miles before finally making it there. We made our way to the ticket booth to purchase the train tickets. It would be a pretty long ride, but fortunately, the tickets were cheap.

We boarded the train showing the guards our passport and ID's. Which in my case was fake.

"Where's our apartment exactly at?" I asked Ashton.

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