Water Bender(s)

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I walked quickly down the hall and praised myself for already being dressed so I didn't have to hassle with putting on different clothing.

I ran outside to see Ashton turning the block to another street. I quickly walked after him, making sure I didn't look like crazy, running the streets.

I paced myself quick enough to get about fifteen feet away from him. I obviously didn't want to be close just in case he turned around or something. It was bad enough that we had a fight in the room. He'd get majorly pissed at me for following him and not trusting him.

I then realized that this was not the way to the trade center... So I guess I'm not trusting him for a reason.

Ashton suddenly turned a corner into a ally. Which had a old light bulb, that barley lit the path, since it was dark outside.

I quickly made my way in, but stopped and ducked behind a trash can bin, to hide myself.

"Irwin. You're a bit late." I recognized the voice to be Calum's, the guy who I met back a few days ago.

"Sorry mate. I got held up." Ashton said to him.

"It's cool Luke's late too. Let's go inside for now, it's freezing out here."

As soon as the words left Calum's mouth, my eyes widened. Luke would surly see me if he went down the alley. I waited for Ashton and Calum to go in the building before I did what came natural to me.

I hoped in the trash can...

The only form of trash that was in there was paper. Luckily no broken bottles or awful rotten food.

I was beyond pissed off at Ashton now. It's proved now that he was lying to me...

I waited for what seemed like half an hour, before Luke walked fast down the ally and went through the door to wherever the hell they were meeting up.

"Could have gotten her here sooner, Luke..." I mumbled, getting out of the trash can quickly.

I made my way by the door and pressed my ear to it barley hearing a group of voices with in it.

"So she's the only one you've ever come across?" I heard Ashton say.

"Yes. I don't even think she knows what she's capable of." Luke said.

What the hell?

"They were all ripped away from their homes, so I don't think they were raised to their full potential." An unfamiliar man said.

My heart started beating out of my chest. Do they know about me? Did Ashton tell them?

"Whats gonna happen?" Ashton asked.

"Sooner or later it's gonna happen." The man said.

"What do you mean, William?" Ashton asked again.

"All of us rising against the Fire benders." The man, named William said.

My eyes widened more, if that was even possible.

What the hell was going on? I was still confused as to why Ashton was meeting up with people here. And I was especially confused about what they we're talking about and why.

My thought were interrupted by a hand covering my mouth and arms pulling me backwards and dragging me further down the alley. I tried to focus and see what was happening but it had become too dark, going deeper into the alley. I let out a muffled scream and struggled out of the mans grip, but a punch collided with my face while the man held my arms behind me... There was more than one of them.

"Let go!" I yelled.

The man pushed my body up against the wall, knocking my breath out.

"We know who you are, Lylah Edwards." The man said, emphasizing my last name.

My real last name...

He grabbed me by the throat and gave me a sinister smile.

"My name is Lylah Irwin." I said choking out my words.

"We're not stupid. We've been watching you. It isn't hard spotting a rat. C'mon stupid girl. The government knows everything. And if the don't, it's not long before they do. Nothing goes by us." The man laughed.

"You're as worthless as the dirt on the bottom of my shoes." He said tightening his grip making me whimper.

How did they know? I hadn't done anything...

I looked to the side to see a puddle of rain water.

Well I got nothing to loose. They're gonna kill me either way...

I bended the water in the air and shot it strait at the man's head, before his partner could warn him, knocking him to the ground.

I quickly brought the water back around to hit the other man but a flame of fire bursted from his wrist, evaporating the water.

My knees felt weak from the sight.

These were fire benders.

"You little bitch." The man said getting up and running at me.

I brought another bit of water and shot it at him, making a narrow cut along side his face.

I took no time to turn around and start running back towards the door that Ashton and everyone was at. The men had dragged me pretty far into the alley, so it would be hard for anyone to hear me.

I needed them, more than anything before in my life.

I was pretty close to the door before I felt the agonizing stinging of a flame hitting me in the back of my leg, melting the jeans I was wearing to my skin. I immediately fell to the floor, letting out a painful scream.

The man came up from behind me, grabbed my hair and turned me around to grab me by the throat again. The tears flowed from my face.

He snapped his fingers making a flame appear. This situation was all too familiar to me.

"You can thank your old sector for this." He laughed moving his flame towards my mouth.

His actions suddenly stopped as he slammed into the ground.

I looked around frantically, seeing Luke only a few feet from me. I let out a cry of relief.

But I was confused. There wasn't any earth materials near us and he wasn't close enough to make physical contact... How the hell did he knock the man to the ground without even touching them.

I stayed on the ground as Ashton ran to my side, clutching me in his arms and saying something to me. But all I could focus on was Luke fighting the two men, by himself as everybody watched.

Luke got both of the men on ground within seconds. As the two men's eyes widened, Luke sent a slit of water across both of there throats, making them fall back to there death.

Luke is a water bender.

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