Trigger's fight. (REDONE)

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(New Story! IF you have any idea's or input, feel free to leave it as a comment or Message me and I'll have a look. See ya later!)

Disclaimer! I don't own Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Project Aces owns it. 

Second Disclaimer! This story will go through the entire plot of Ace Combat 7 starting from Mission 3! If you haven't played the game or seen a playthrough, I would advise against reading this.


          "Missile! Evade!"- Regular speech

           *This is AWACS Sky Eye*- AWACS speaking

Chopinburg Rainforest, Usea

May 30th 2019

Operation Duel Wielder, one half of a two pronged attack by Osea against Erusea. The operation was meant to secure the airspace above the Chopinburg Rainforest which would have allowed Osea and the IUN to have a route towards attacking and recapturing the International Space Elevator.

Unfortunately for the IUN, things took a turn for the worst as Erusea decided to use one of the Osean's weapons against them...

Trigger's load out:

F-22A "Raptor" 2400 GUN.   136 MSL  40 8AAM  3 FLR

John 'Trigger' Banks' POV

"Missile! Break! Break!"

"Where did they come from!?"

"I'm hit! Ejecting!"

*All Osean forces! We've just found out that Erusea is utilising the Arsenal Bird! Engage and take it down!*  Sky Keeper, the IUN AWACS, informed the remaining aircraft.

"Let's do this Trigger!" My wingman, Clown said through my headset. 

Banking right, I evaded  a missile which shot past my left wing. Switching to my Special weapons I waited until 8 UAVs were targeted before pulling the trigger. All of my missiles connected and 8 plumes of fire fell from the sky. After seeing most of our friendly fighters get shot down, Sky Keeper ordered us to withdraw. Clown and I were told to protect the remaining friendly forces at they retreated. 

We had taken out all but the final group when I heard an unknown voice come through my headset.

"My status is fine, affirmative"

I check my radar and see an unknown fighter approaching Golem 2 and Gargoyle 1. Pulling up my map I pinged the unknown, letting Sky Keeper know of the threat. 

*Retreating aircrafts, prepare for combat! It's a bogey! Gargoyle 1, Golem 2, engage now. Attack!* Sky Keeper announced.

A few seconds later Gargoyle one talked through the radio.

"One bandit, Su-30!"

"Gargoyle 1 caution! Missile!" Golem 2, also know as Brownie, my  somewhat rival shouted.

Unfortunately, Gargoyle 1 was struck and vanished off the radar.  With the state of her aircraft I knew that Brownie wouldn't be able to take on anyone, let alone an Su-30. I broke off from my attack and activated the afterburners, pushing the F-22 to mach 1.8, creating a sonic boom.

"Mage 2! Where are you going! We need to help the rest get out." Clown said as  he took down another drone.

"I'm dead meat!" Brownie was starting to panic. "I-I don't understand, why isn't it opening fire."

"Brownie, break off!" Golem 1, known as Knocker ordered. but Brownie wasn't listening. Her fear had gotten to her.

"I'm scared! I-I need support! Someone!"

I growled and dumped my remaining Special Weapon pods, giving the F-22 more speed. 

"Mage 2! Support!" 

I saw a missile escape from it's rail and head towards Brownie. Knowing I wouldn't be able to get there in time I prayed to god for some luck. I opened fire in the general direction of the missile . God had blessed me as by some incredible luck, the 20mm bullets  hit the missile as it was halfway to Brownie. Zooming past the unknown and through the cloud that remained of the missile, I turned back and peppered the unknown with my gun. The Su-30 with orange wing tips broke off and the pursuit began.

3rd person POV.

Trigger and the unknown flew into some clouds, the battle between the two was only shown by the occasional ignition of the missiles or small volleys of bullets. 

Clown, Knocker and the rest of Golem squadron had linked up with Brownie and were circling around waiting for their squad mate to fly out of the clouds. 

"Mage 2! Respond, what is your condition" Knocker said peering around his cockpit trying to find Triggers plane.

Heavy breathing was heard through everyone's  headset as they heard Trigger's on board computer repeatedly say "Over-G!" and "Missile! Missile!".

"Trigger! Talk to me! What is your situation!"

An explosion occurred in the distance. A second followed moments later. In the distance they saw the Su-30 shoot off  into the distance. Dread filled their stomach as they continued to look out for any sign of their comrade.

*Mage 2 had broken through the clouds! On your 7'clock!* Sky Keeper informed them. Everyone swivelled their heads round as looked in horror at the state of Triggers plane.

The left tail wing was gone. Sparks were flying out of random parts of the fuselage and the right wing was almost torn in half. The cockpit was cracked as it's engine was leaking black smoke behind it. 

*All units, return to base for debrief, we'll have emergency vehicles on stand-by.* 

POV Switch: Trigger

The flight back to base was a silent one. We rendezvoused with the remaining fighters on the way back, who gave us their thanks. Somehow I knew that I would meet the Pilot with the Orange Wing tips in the future.

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