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"I don't like this new kid." My tall friend grumbled beside me, looking towards the new student as I wrestled a folder out of my locker.

"That's probably because you aren't attracted to boys, Sean." My other friend, Sarah, quipped back. She had obviously seen me gawking at the aforementioned student before.

And I had every right to be. He had some height to him, perhaps not as tall as my friend but he definitely had an inch or two on me. His cheekbones were sharp, sharp enough to cut paper, and his eyes were wide. He had murky blond hair, which had been left tousled on his head. Creepy as it may sound, this guy was mouth wateringly attractive, at least to me and Sarah. I had seen him in a couple of my classes. Two, to be exact. Maths and psychology. He was called Devin but apparently preferred to simply go by Dev.

"Talk of the devil, and he shall appear." Sarah coughed quickly as the man himself strolled over to where we were congregating.

"Luke, right?" He asked me. "I think we share a maths class. Look, I was wondering if you had any frees today. I was hoping you could help me with the homework. I'm a little stuck on 5c and I'm not too sure the teacher understands it either."

"I uh... yeah. Um... I've a free fourth if that suits you." I stumbled.

"I'll meet you in the library at fourth then." He grinned.

"Damn. I've geography then. I have to spend the lesson knowing you get to sit with Mr. Cheekbones for a whole hour." Sarah whined.

"Someone sounds jealous." Sean replied. "I guess you'll be happy to know that I also have a free fourth. Guess where I'll be."

"Why do you get to spend time with them?" She whined again. Her antics made me laugh silently to myself.

"You know why." He replied, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. This made her silent as she nodded. They knew something I didn't. This had been happening for a little while, ever since our friend left at the end of year 11. Almost two years of Sean insisting on sticking with me, and never telling me why. He would always brush it off with a joke or change topic when I asked about it. It had got me thinking that maybe he liked me, you know, that silly 'like liked' me. Sean was a catch as well, tall with an angular face and dark mysterious eyes. A good hugger as well. Shame he had to crush that little thought as soon as it was mentioned.


When fourth period rolled around, I was situated at a small table in the corner of the library. In front of me I had organised a textbook, paper and a mug of hot tea as I waited for Devin. And Sean as well, I suppose. But he only tagged along because of this 'thing' only he and Sarah seemed to know about.

As I made a grab for my phone to check for any messages off friends, someone say to my right.

"Thanks for doing this, Luke. Normally I'm fine with maths but I can't get this question right." Devin greeted me with a smile.

"Oh, it's no problem. I heard that we learn better by teaching others, so I guess there are selfish reasons for me helping." I blurted in reply. The selfish reason - which I think we both know - was so I could spend time with Mr Cheekbones.

Dev showed me his page full of scribbles and numbers, reworking of the same equation to find the wrong value of y each time. I scanned the page and quickly found the problem.

"You're too caught up in all this A-Level stuff you've forgotten GCSE stuff. No, scratch that. You've forgotten year 7 stuff. Did you not learn about BIDMAS?"

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