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Friday rolled around quicker than I realised and I found myself almost rushing home after college ends. I entered my house and accidentally slammed the front door shut.

"Luke, is that you?" Ma asked from the living room.

"Hey Ma." I smiled to her. She's sat in the middle of the room with my 1-year-old sister, Lisa, who's crawling along the floor with some sort of plush toy getting squashed under one of her hands. "Thought Dad was looking after Lisa today?"

"He got called into a meeting at 11 ish. Luckily I was able to take the rest of the day off to look after Trouble here." Lisa looked to me and a huge smile crossed her little face. "You're home early, in a rush?" Ma enquired as my sister babbled away to herself and her toy.

"Going out tonight," I answered, scratching the back of my neck.

"Ah, well," she smiled knowingly, "I won't keep you then. You probably want to get ready for your man." She added with a wink.

"He's picking me up at half six, maybe a bit before. Can you, perhaps, not embarrass me, please?"

"I'll try my best. But you know how it gets, and you know how Louise is." Louise was my sister - my other sister - and was about 5 years younger than me. Half the time she was out at extracurriculars or with her mates, so I was praying she had something to do tonight.

As I reached my room my phone began to ring and I answered it once my door was shut.

"Hey, sweets. Why're you calling? Not that I don't want to talk to you."

"Why'd you rush home, doll? We were heading to the park after school." Sean spoke through the phone. It was routine of us, every Friday, to go down to the park just to chill, however, in the panic for tonight, it had completely slipped my mind.

"Sorry sugar. Slipped my mind. Going out tonight, remember?" I apologised.

There was a rustling on the other end of the line before I could somewhat hear Sarah shouting to Sean, loud enough so I would hear.

"Say hi to your boyfriend from me." She cried to Sean. I could hear the smirk in her voice and I could almost imagine Sean elbowing her for it.

"Sorry about her. You know what she's like." Sean muttered.

"Yep, she's awful." I laughed. "If you wouldn't mind telling the others why I can't go, that'd be great."


"Thanks, sugar. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Bye." He hung up gruffly. I was slightly taken aback by his mood but ignored it and instead slowly got ready.

It was 17 minutes past 6 and I was sat in my room fiddling with a book. Unfortunately for me, Louise was home tonight, and Dad wasn't back. I could hear a commotion from downstairs as Ma tried to cook and keep Lisa calm and happy while Louise was probably in the living room watching some crap on TV.

As soon as the doorbell rings, I jerked to attention and made my way downstairs nervously. However, Ma made it to the door first and I watched in horror as she opened it.

"Hi, you must be here for Luke. Please, come in." She let him in as an alarm went off in the kitchen.

"Dibs not getting it!" Louise shouted from the lounge over the high volume of the TV.

"Sorry dear, do you mind if I just-" Ma passed Lisa to Dev, making him hold her as she rushed to prepare dinner before my dad got back. Dev looked surprised but thankfully not horrifed at the baby in his arms, and as he looked up we make eye contact. I went over to him and took the child from him, cradling her softly in my arms.

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