Chapter One

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Dear Y/N,
We are writing to inform you that you have hereby been accepted into UA High School...

"YES!" You squealed like a BTS fangirl as you read the letter. For as long as you could remember, it had been your dream to attend UA, the most prestigious school for heroes-in-training. You honestly couldn't believe that your dream was coming true. All of it felt so unreal, that you nearly pinched yourself to make sure you were awake.

You practically leaped out of your bed and began to dance around your room to some tune only you could hear. You were causing such a commotion that one of your neighbors ended up knocking on your door.

"Y/N? What's going on up there?"

You recognized the voice. It was Todoroki Shoto, AKA your best friend. You and him had known each other since you were babies, and you quickly formed a friendship because you were Shoto's confidant. The moment he turned four and gained his Quirk, his father began abusing him by training him until he was physically and emotionally destroyed. You had always been there for him in his darkest times; he found it easy to talk to you about his broken home. In recent years, he had developed a crush on you, but of course, you didn't know that.

You ran downstairs to greet your best friend. "Shoto! Oh, I was just celebrating! Did the noise scare you?"

"Well, not really, just startled me is all. What were you celebrating?"

Your face stretched into a wide grin. "I got in!"

Shoto's eyes widened before he smiled. "Really? That's amazing. I'm very happy for you, Y/N."

"You could at least show a little excitement, we're going to the same school!" You pouted and Shoto simply chuckled. He was never one for showing his emotions, however, so you were glad that he was at least smiling about it. "I wonder what the teachers and other students are gonna be like."

"Well, I'm sure you'll have no problem making new friends, Y/N. You're a beautiful person..." He blushed and tried to choose his next words carefully. "Anyone...would be an idiot to not be friends with you."

"Aww, thank you, Shoto!" You couldn't help but hug him which only caused him to blush more. Like I said, in recent years, he had developed a crush on you, and every second he was spending here with you was only making him fall even harder.

"U-Uhh...y-you''re welcome, Y/N." He slowly hugged you back, a wave of disappointment washing over him when you pulled away. If only he could have held you for a bit longer...

"Well, I'm gonna head back upstairs now, I've got to get ready for the big day tomorrow!"

"Uhh...what's tomorrow?" You slapped your palm across your face at that.

"Pay attention, Half-n'-Half! School starts tomorrow!"

"O-Oh! Right, of course, I...knew that."

"Of course you did," you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "See you tomorrow, Shoto! Oyasumi nasai!"

"O-Oyasumi nasai, Y/N." With that, you closed the door and headed back up to your room. Meanwhile, Shoto's head was racing as he ran back to his house. He threw open the front door, so absorbed in his thoughts that he forgot to lock it. Once he was back in his room, he flopped down on his bed, panting and hiding his burning face in his pillow.

Oh, God, Y/N... When will you notice how I feel about you?


Hey there, dear reader! It's yours truly, Author-chan!

Once again, thank you for taking the time out to read this, it honestly means so much to me when people enjoy my work, considering my lack of self-confidence lol :'3

This is starting out as a Shoto x Reader, huh? This is actually important to the plot of this story, and if you're into BNHA then you'll already know why, ehehe~

I'll try to update as often as I can! (Most likely I'll update whenever I'm bored lol.) You can also read this story on my Quotev!
Bye for now! 🖤

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