Chapter Two

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"Ahh!" you screamed as you comically fell out of bed. You slowly rose up from the floor with an annoyed expression and reached towards your alarm to shut it off.

"Ugh, why did I set my alarm for such an early time..." you groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You froze as you suddenly remembered.


You were no longer tired. You quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen to get yourself some breakfast. You made yourself a hearty breakfast of pancakes and eggs with sausages on the side, and you were in the middle of wolfing it down when Shoto opened your door.

"Y/N? Why isn't your door locked? And stop eating so fast! You might choke!"

"Sorry, sorry!" You put your hands up in defense and you looked at him up and down, seeing how he was already in his uniform. "I uh, I guess I was so excited yesterday that I just forgot to lock it! Ehehe~"

"Honestly, Y/N, you can be such an airhead sometimes..." Shoto shook his head and walked over to you, making sure that you weren't eating too fast for the rest of your meal.

You pouted some at that, which caused him to chuckle softly. "Why are you here, Shoto?"

"Duh, I wanted to see if you wanted to walk to school together, silly."

"Oh! Of course, I would love to!" you answered enthusiastically. Shoto blushed but turned away before you could notice.

After you finished eating, you went back upstairs to brush your teeth and put on your uniform. Shoto waited patiently by the front door for you. When you finally did come back down the stairs, he couldn't help but stare at you with a deep blush on his cheeks.

"W-Wow, Y/N, look..." he stuttered out horribly, causing you to giggle.

"C'mon, Shoto, we gotta hurry or we're gonna be late!" You grabbed his arm, pretty much dragging him behind you.

"I never even got to finish my sentence," he mumbled as he ran towards the school with you.


"Whoa... This place is huge!" You stared up at the building that was UA High. "I bet it'd be easy to get lost in here."

You were in Class 1A with Shoto, which was a relief to you because it meant you wouldn't be completely alone. You thought you would be nervous, but you were actually excited to meet your new classmates and teacher.

You and Shoto finally found Class 1A, after some searching. You pushed open the door and your eyes widened. "That's a lot of students."

One of them, a green-haired boy with a round face and four freckles on each of his cheeks, noticed you and stood up. "Ohayo gozaimasu! You must be L/N Y/N and Todoroki Shoto, correct?"

"Oh! Yes, we are!" You beamed, but Shoto barely even batted an eye.

"Nice to meet you both! I'm Midoriya Izuku, or Deku!" Izuku held out his hand and you happily shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too, Deku! There sure are a lot of students in this class."

"Oh yeah, let me introduce–" He was cut off by the door suddenly slamming open. A boy with ash blonde hair and bright red eyes had just walked in, looking pissed.

"Get the hell out of my way, shitty Deku!" he snapped at Izuku, who flinched and immediately obeyed.

"Hey! You shouldn't talk to him like that!" you snapped, hearing the students gasp in unison. The boy slowly turned to face you. Man, if looks could kill, you'd already be in Heaven.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?"

You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared, but you refused to back down. "I said you shouldn't talk to him like that."

"Like it's any of your fucking business how I talk to him!" The boy was in your face now, but he was pushed back by a very angry Shoto.

"Leave them alone," he growled. He was taller than the boy so he was looking down at him, which had to be at least somewhat intimidating, but the boy just glared right back at him.

"How about you stay out of it, half-n'-half bastard?"

You covered your mouth to hold in a snicker at that nickname. Shoto glanced back at you over his shoulder before looking back at the boy.

"If you lay so much as a finger on them, I will kill you," Shoto threatened.

The boy didn't look scared of him at all. "Tch, whatever. I'm gonna let ya'll go, but only because I don't have time to pick fights with weaklings."

Shoto opened his mouth to say something, but the boy had already shouldered past him to his seat. The boy glared at you once more as he passed you.

School was off to a great start.


Hey there, dear reader! It's yours truly, Author-chan!

Chapter Two, baby! Reader-chan/kun has just met our own beloved Kacchan and even had the courage to stand up to him and defend Izuku! Perhaps Kacchan will gain respect for Reader-chan/kun because of this? Ehehe~

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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