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A cold breeze nipped at my bare legs, and ruffled my dirty blonde hair. I pulled my tight fitted, black v - neck dress down again, for the hundredth time tonight and groaned. Placing my iphone xr up to my ear, I yelped and pulled away. "How many times do I have to tell you to not go to parties??!!" My mom lectured me. "You could get hurt!! Or even kidnapped!" I placed the phone back up to my ear. "You could get taken advantage of!" My mom whispered the last part. Like she was afraid if she admitted it, it would actually happen. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "Mom what are the chances that I'm going to get kidnapped? Slim to none right?" I heard her sigh. "I'm fine mom nothing is going to happen to me alright?" Trying my best to convince her. "No one was even drinking." That was a lie. There were like 2 kegs at the party. "Alright." My mom finally replied. Happy enough with my answer. "But we will talk about this when you get home." Her voice was stern with no room for argument. "Okay." I agreed. "Love you." Before she could reply, a hand snaked around my waist, and another one covered up my mouth. Muffling my screams. The arm was removed from my waist, and in return, a cool metal object was pressed against my temple. A warm breath tickled my ear, and I shivered with fear. "Scream and you die." The voice was deep and scratchy, and I nodded my head frantically, agreeing with him. "Get in the van," I hurried over to the van and got in. Looking out the window, I checked to see if there were any witnesses, but there were none. Just my luck. The van door was slammed shut, and I scurried to the back of the van. A big buff guy came storming back with a cloth in his hands. I looked up at him with fear clouded eyes, and covered my head with my arms. I heard him smirk, and my arms were pried away from my face. He slammed the cloth over my nose, and my plush pink lips. I tried not to breathe but failed. Soon pulling in a big breath of poisoned air. Black spots invaded my vision, and I screamed, starting to feel dizzy. Soon, sweet blackness took me, and I succumbed to sleep.

*Authors Note*

Above is a picture of Gwenn. The cover of this book is a picture of Levi Romano. You will meet him soon!!!

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