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sipping my bitter orange lemonade
in the rose and terracotta hues
of western italy in early spring
where the sun still shines
and it feels more like summer

we always come here
every year
to this same old café
at the top of the ancient steps
which will probably crumble one day

there's a bench
right outside the café
where an old man sits
with his dog
and talks to the café owner and
a mysterious woman
for hours on end

we don't know how long he sits here for
but it seems he's always here

there's a bookshelf at the back
where you can bring a book,
and take one away
we promised to bring one back last year
and so we did

we only have two hours
but we'll come again next year
this eternal summer will wait for us
and maybe the ancient steps won't crumble
not just yet

the world will remain,
if we only come back to it

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