Noodle (Chapter 2)

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"okay I'll get a-"

"I'll order a-"

"hmm well-"

"i'll take the-"

"me order the?? I'm sorry, no english-"

"so we will have-"


each customer hesitated ordering their meal before the australian servers.
"what's it gonna be?" a young tan girl, a server, said, clearly ready to quit.
changbin frowned his eyes at her.

"I'll have the noodles please," he and eight others said in unison.

"woah," he whispered. he looked around, the other eight stared back at him.
"dude," chan said, creeped out, "I'm having like deja vū!"

changbin just shook his head and took his number from the server. he sat down at the table in the back with chan.


"no you're kidding!"

"bro I'm so fucking sure I swear-"

"swear on what man?"

"my grave bro! it's them!"

seungmin rolled his eyes.
"go ask for an autograph then," he dared his friend. jeongin stared at him with wavering eyes.
"ok, here goes."
jeongin took a pencil and notebook out of his bag and approached the back table.

"h-hey," he mumbled. the two boys looked up.

"cb97 and spearb right? I'm a huge fan of you guys, I actually just ordered the same thing as you too, and so did my friend, funny huh? sorry am I rambling? I'm ramb-"

cb97 or chan, let out a chuckle. "here," he said, taking the pencil and signing the notebook paper. he passed it to changbin or spearb who did the same.

jeongin looked shocked.
"shit, thanks guys, holy shit. I came here thinking I'd run into you guys..."

changbin raised an eyebrow, "really? that's fucking dedication. we'll be here for a few weeks, maybe months, if you ever wanna hang, you and friend look chill."

chan winked at jeongin, making his heart flutter.
"holy fucking shit youre legit? I'll crap myself if you aren't-"

"yeah," chan muttered, a smile spreading on his face.

"YES HELL YES WTF YES!" jeongin screamed.

changbin and chan jumped and clapped their hands over jeongin's mouth. they earned the attention of the other customers in the chinese place.

one was seungmin.

"what the fuck is going on over there?" he demanded.
"is he bothering you shitheads?" seungmin asked as he walked close to chan and changbin's table. they shook their heads but seungmin frowned.

"hey jeongin, we should go-"
jeongin looked at him in the eyes.
"please? they asked us to hang out!" he flashed his sad eyes.

seungmin couldn't say no.
"fuck you," he said.

"oh shit!" a new voice said.

the four boys turned their heads.

it was jisung, not known to them, and his boyfriend, minho.

"you're spearb? huge fan man, you dropped some sick stuff last week," jisung commemorated, walking over to shake his hand.
"this is minho, my boyfri-"

"oh hey I know you!" another voice cut in.

"you're the kid that got me a job on the modeling agency. funny seeing you here! I'm hyunjin, sup guys," he introduced to the rest of the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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