❝ contract of accountability ❞

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As a group we hold each other to certain standards of accountability. This is to keep our group high in respect and love, and low in drama and rudeness. Below is our ❝contract of accountability.❞

1. Be kind and supportive. 

2. Any private information shared between our members stays between them. We are a writing group, but at our heart we are a group of friends. So, to ensure that every members feels safe, we do not gossip about our members.

3. Recognize the importance of diversity. This includes diversity in people, personalities, and beliefs. Respect everyone's right to an opinion. 

4. Create a safe, open space. You do not always have to agree, but you do need to appreciate the contribution each of our members has. 

 5. Praise all effort, words are words no matter how small! Whether a writer has just gained 20 followers or 2,000 reads, we celebrate our member's achievements equally. 

We always prioritize our community. If a specific member cannot contribute positively, we will take the needed steps to keep our group as a safe space. 

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