part 1

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Not one out of the three people situated in the fire ravaged and debris filled former mansion had an explanation to how they got there. The two adults in the group stared with eyes full of confusion first at each other, and then at the teenage boy standing in front of them. It would seem odd that their main concern wasn't how they ended up in this post apocalyptic world, but rather how their brother, who had disappeared seventeen years ago, was right there, and hadn't aged at all, but then again, the latter is a pretty strange occurrence.

"Five, is that actually you?" A very uncertain Diego Hargreaves asked the boy. The dark haired teenager in a school boy type uniform looked exactly like his teleporting, short tempered brother, but crazy things happened all the time, so he had to confirm.

"Yes..." Five answered with the same uncertainty that had come with the question. "Who are you guys?"

"Diego and Klaus Hargreaves. It's nice to see you again, bro," Klaus answered for himself and his knife throwing brother.

A wave of confusion washed over Five. "That's impossible," He stated. "You're both old. I saw you no less than four minutes ago and you were kids!"

"Are you talking about the day you ran out? Is this where you went?" Diego asked, crossing his arms.

Before being seemingly zapped to where there were now, Klaus and Diego had been hanging out at the academy; one smoking a joint and the other suiting up for another police investigation to hijack. Neither had done anything that could possibly trigger teleportation nor the end of the world.

Five, on the other hand, had just ran out of his home after an argument with his father on why he was not allowed to time travel. Of course, Five being Five, he decided to do it against his father's wishes. He had no intention of having two of his brothers from the future tag along, but that's what has seemed to happen. Five attempted to explain the mistake to his siblings from the future, but neither could quite grasp the concept.

"Why did you choose to bring us?" Klaus questioned, stretching his arms above his head and yawning with the last word. "You should have taken Luther so he wouldn't bother anyone." Diego chuckled at this comment.

"Dim as always, Klaus.." Five rolled his eyes. "I didn't choose to bring you here. I'm not even sure if that's what happened, it's just the only explanation I have right now."

Diego cleared his throat and took a small step forward with one foot. "Why does it even matter? Why are we arguing when you can just bring us back."

"Don't you think I tried that before you two got here?" He balled his hands into fists and did his usual technique for both teleportation and time travel, but sure enough, nothing happened. Klaus and Diego watched as tiny, blue ripples seemed to come off his hands. Another indicator that something was blocking him from bringing them home.

"Try again. We need to get home," Diego demanded, getting a little worried.

"I told you I can't. It won't work. I'm sorry." Five was genuinely broken up. He obviously didn't want to be there, and now he had trapped his brothers there with him. When his powers failed, it made him feel guilty, he was useless.

Klaus shrugs and reaches into the pocket of his coat, pulling out both a joint and lighter. It takes him less time to light it and take a drag than it does for Diego to finally absorb that Five's powers really didn't work here. But where was here?

It was clear that they were inside the building that housed the Hargreeves of the Umbrella Academy — or what's left of it, anyway — but the reasoning as to why it was completely destroyed, and the outside world looked demolished as well, was unclear.

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