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Before we get into this, I want to let you guys know that the houses the boys are in are the ones RM sorted them into.

Gryffindor- Namjoon, Seokjin

Hufflepuff- Taehyung, Hoseok

Ravenclaw- Jungkook

Slytherin- Yoongi, Jimin

You're also in Slytherin.

You probably already know, but (y/n) means your name and (l/n) means last name. Italics means you're thinking


You were reading peacefully about the potion you were assigned when you heard the door creak open. You were tempted to look over to see who it was, but you decided not to bother, figuring either someone was late or a teacher was pulling someone out of class. Although it would be odd for either to be the case, considering it was only the first day of the school year.

You continued working for a few moments until you heard a monotone voice call, "(l/n) raise your hand". You were a little confused but you did it anyway. You looked up to see Snape with a slightly intimidating boy by his side. He had bleach blonde hair so light it was practically white, making his dark eyes and eye brows stand out. "Go sit next to her" Snape mumbled with a wave of his hand.

The boy shuffled over to the seat next to yours and plopped down. He gently set down his books as to make as little noise as possible, then turned to ask you what page we're on. You told him page 242, and he nodded. Looking over at his hand you noticed 2 rings, a blue and a green one.

 Looking over at his hand you noticed 2 rings, a blue and a green one

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"Hey uh, I really like your rings", you smiled. He looked you dead in the eyes and furrowed his brows slightly. He looked away quickly and got back to work.

The class period droned on from there, with an occasional yawn once and a while. Unfortunately last class you had one too many people mess up an advanced potion so you have to reread the chapter before anyone can try the potion again. You thought you had done fairly well on it, but Snape thought other wise. Potions have never been your strong suit, you're much better at DADA, Transfiguration, and Charms. You're particularly excited to learn about nonverbal spells.

You noticed the white hair boy was dozing off so you lightly tapped his shoulder. I shouldn't have done that. He glared at you with so much rage, that if looks could kill, you'd be a goner. He looked like he was about to kill you for waking him up. You pointed harshly in Snape's direction hoping it would calm him down when he realized you were only trying to help. Luckily, it seemed to  work.

The bell rang, and you gathered your books swiftly. Once you were done you turned to ask the boy his name, but he wasn't there anymore. Instead, he was rushing out of class. You hurried to catch up with him, snagging his sleeve in the hall. "Hey, what was your deal in class man!?"

"None of your god damn business!" He shouted, just loud enough to catch the attention of a few people around you. "And my name isn't man, its Yoongi" He stated as he stormed off.

What a jerk!

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