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Its been a couple days since you've spoken to Yoongi. Although now you have a mutual friend, Jimin. Jimin is another Slytherin, with fluffy blue-gray hair. He's really kind, but a bit of a flirt toward guys and girls alike. From what you've heard from Jimin, him and 6 other boys, Yoongi included, transferred to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny. They had to be sorted into their houses with the first years which you're sure was a bit awkward for them.

Jimin told you he wanted to introduce you to his friends during lunch and you happily agreed. You started to head to History of Magic together until Jimin spotted a familiar face.

"Hey! Yoongi!" Jimin yelled down the hall, turning a few heads towards him. Yoongi... Smiled? Thats a rare sight. Its not the kind of smile you expected him to have, hell you didn't even know he could smile. It was a cute smile, where his gums showed. Then he saw you. He didn't stop smiling, but he definitely seemed less excited.

"We have next class together don't we?" Jimin asked as he jogged up to the white haired boy.

Yoongi sighed "Yeah, I think" He glanced at you and raised and eye brow, "I never caught your name"

"O-oh its (y/n)", was he just going to pretend nothing ever happened between you? Maybe its better to forget about it and start over.

"Oh. Anyway, Chim," He directed his attention to Jimin. "Kookie, Tae, and I were going to try out for the Quidich teams, wanna join us?" He had a large cocky grin spread across his face. Jimin didn't seem like a sporty person, but you could be wrong. Neither did Yoongi and he was trying out for the Quidich team.

"I'll think about it" Jimin said as he winked at you. You haven't known him long, but you've known him long enough to know that mean he wasn't going to try out. Figures.

The three of you headed to the History of Magic class room where you'd stay for what felt like years. When the bell finally rang, you stood up a little to fast and got light headed. You leaned over and slammed you hands onto the table trying to catch your balance.

"Woah there (y/n). You okay?" Jimin asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
Yoongi only looked slightly annoyed, which bugged you. God, what a jerk.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just got a bit dizzy." You smiled up at him.

"We should hurry and head to the boys." Yoongi huffed, obviously getting impatient.

You nodded, and we walked out of class and through the halls, weaving passed people on the way. Jimin grabbed your hand along with Yoongi's and lightly jogged to the court yard.

He led you to a group of 5 boys. They were all quite handsome, Jimin and Yoongi included.

"Hey guys!" A boy with pink hair and dimples exclaimed "Jimin, who's this?"

Jimin grabbed your shoulders and pushed you forward "This is (y/n)!"

"Hey" you smiled shyly.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon." The pink haired boy stuck his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm Jin! Pretty handsome right?" He send you a playful smile, and you laughed and nodded.

"I'm Jungkook" he blushed and looked away, shaking his head slightly so his dark hair covered his eyes.

"Don't mind him, he's just shy! My name is Tae!" A boy with brown hair laughed with a boxy smile.

"I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi!" Damn, that boy has a bright smile! You smiled back at him.

"Its nice to meet you guys!" You couldn't contain how happy you were to have a group to eat lunch with. "Let's go to the great hall and eat."

After a short walk you all got to the great hall. The boys argued a bit about which house you should all sit with, they decided to sit at the Hufflepuff table since they would probably be the most accepting.

You found a less populated section of the table toward the back and sat there. Eventually a few other people joined you and the boys, a 7th year Hufflepuff named Cedric Digory, along with your good friends, 6th years Fred and George Weasley.

All in all, you had a good time with your new friends.

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