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"Today, again brother didn't play with me.
Is high school that hard??" I was sulking because of my brother

Suddenly a ball hit my head!!

Jihoon, DIDN'T i tell you, to play on the other side of the park." I shout at jihoon.

" IT'S not my fault, that an 10 year old girl is behaving like a baby, over her brother." Jihoon say.

" This is my business!!
Stay away from it!!" I say to jihoon angrily.

Jihoon was standing straight with a stiff expression.

" jihoon...?" I say slowly.

Suddenly he starts crying with a stiff face.

" I am sorry!!
I am sorry!!
I wasn't trying to say this.
It's just, I can't hear anything about my brother!!" I say panickly while trying to stop him.

" then.....we are friends, right??" Jihoon say while sobbing.

" of course!!
I know that my brother is going to marry your sister but whatever happens, you still going to be my best friend." I say while smiling at him.

" okay!!!" Jihoon say.

"But you know, jihoon you should not cry!!" I say to him

" Why??
Because guys should not cry, that's why?" Jihoon ask.

" NO, it's not about boy and girls!!
I don't want to see you cry." I say to him.

" what have you done, hani??

Suddenly hani wakes up and see that jihoon was sleeping beside her.

I hate this kinds of DREAM!!
It makes me remembers the past.

" You are awake??" Manager ask me while driving.

" Yes!
How much time till we reach??" I ask.

"In few minutes!!
Can you wake jihoon too!!" Manager asks me.

" I CAN'T!!
Please you do it, manager" I say.

" Okay!!" The manager say.

We reach our hometown.
It was a peaceful and quiet place with greenery everywhere!!

" manager cho, you can go back now!
We take care of ourselves from here." Jihoon say to manager.

" okay but take care that nobody run After you.
Cover your face well." Manager cho say.

" Don't worry!
In this place, nobody would recognise me as a star." Jihoon say and walks forward.

" manager cho, please drive safely!!" I say and follow jihoon.

This place hasn't changed at all in two years.

Even the people.
Even this silence between us!
This is totally awkward.

" Chan su is here." Jihoon say while looking at Chan su.

" Young master, Young mistress, Welcome Back!!
How was your journey??" Chan su ask.

" Ask this later!
First take us to Hospital." Jihoon say.

" Yes, this way." Chan su take us to the car.

" Chan su, is my mother fine???" I ask with worry.

" Yes, doctor said she had a mild heart attack but Madam is fine now." Chan su while driving.

" Thank goodness!!" I say with relief.

Chan su take us to the hospital,when we reached there, I got off first and ran to my mom.

I was running so fast that I didn't see where was I going.
But fortunately, I found the room, at FIRST TRY!!

When I entered the room, I saw my mom, who was the prettiest lady, now a fragile looking woman.

Her hand was as thin as a stick while eyes closed.

" MOM!!" I SAY TO my mom who was sleeping.

Mom opens her eyes and see me!

She gives me a smile but stays silent.

" Mom, are you okay???" I say to my mom.

" is....is....jihoon with you???

You are happy, right??"my mom say to me.

" Yes!!" I say and cry in relief.

Jihoon comes in the room a little later.

He comes and sit beside her.
" How are you??" Jihoon say with respect.

" jihoon, you have became a....great man!!" My mom say to jihoon.

" Yes,mother!!" Jihoon answers.

My mom hear this and sleeps again.

My family butler, choi enters.

" madam, Welcome back!!
How are you??" She asks me politely.


"I am really sorry, ma'am.
But master is in London right now and can not come back due to work.
And I was gone to buy medicines for madam." Choi say formally.

" Okay!!
But don't do it again!!" I say angrily.

" young master Jihoon, Chan su wants to take you back home to meet your parents!!
It's your PARENTS order.
They ordered Hani ma'am too." Choi say.

" There is no need for her to go right now!!
Hani will come later!!" Jihoon say and go.

" You rest too, Choi.
I will take care of Mom, now that I am here." I say to choi in a soft voice.

" Yes!!" Choi say.

" choi, WAIT!!
I am sorry for before!!" I say to Choi

" Please Don't worry about that!!!" Choi say and leaves.

Mom was lying on the bed, while I was sitting beside her.

" Mom, I am fine!!!
So don't get worked up too much, okay??
It isn't good for your body.
Take a very good rest and then become cheerful like before.
I know, you are sad that dad isn't here but I am here for you." I say to her and lean my head to her bed.

" Everything is okay But Mom, Sometimes I feel lonely.
There were time when I wanted to run to you but it would have only caused problems.
I TRIED MOM, JUST LIKE YOU SAID TO ME!!" I say to my mom while leaning to her.

My mom raises her hand and put it on my head gently.

" hmmm." My mom say while closing her eyes.

" Jihoon, Why didn't Hani came WITH you??" Jihoon's mom ask first thing after jihoon enter the Mansion.

Jihoon ignores her question and sits on the sofa.

" Are you listening to me or not??" Jihoon's mom say.

" Your son came back home, after 2 years!!
And this is the first thing you ask!!"  Jihoon say.

" it's not like...." jihoon's mom was saying something but jihoon stops her.

" She is with her mother!!
She will come, when she wants to!!" Jihoon say.

" Why is she getting so sad over a mild heart attack??
It's not like her mother is going to die!!" Jihoon's mom say.

" It's her business!!" Jihoon say coldly.

" If you say so, But jihoon how long are you gonna play this celebrity and idol thing??

Your father wants you to do something meaningful." Jihoon's Mom say.

"IT'S NOT MEANINGLESS!!"  Jihoon say angrily.

" what will I do with this child??" Jihoon's mom says with worry.

" Hani ma'am, you should meet with madam OH!" Choi say to me.

My mom was sleeping so I accepted her offer.

"Take care of my mom!!" I say to choi and walks towards exit.


When I reach the exit, jihoon calls me.

" Where are you???" He say to me.

" umm....I am just about to go to your house to meet your mother." I say to jihoon.

" You don't have to!!
Just stay there." Jihoon say to me.

" BUT...." I hesitates.

" Just do what I say!!!" Jihoon shouts.

" Okay!!" I say and take a breath of relief.

I am saved!!
I didn't wanted to go there.
I should go to mom.
But if I go now, choi would tell me go there.
Maybe I should roam around a bit and then I can go back to mom, I think.

I get out and visit my hometown.
When I was wondering around, I saw the lake.

" oh!!!
It's been a while, Since I came here!!
Almost 2 years!
When I left here, Even then I visited this lake.
Because Jihoon found this lake.
He was so happy!!" I say and sits on a rock bear the lake.

I gets a call from minju.

" Hello!!
Minju, what happened??" I say calmly to him.

WHERE ARE YOU??" Minju say screaming on me.

" Sorry, sorry!!
I forget to tell you.
My mother is in hospital so I came to my hometown to visit her." I say while feeling guilty.

" oh!!
How is she now??" Minju calms down and asks me.

" she is fine now!
I am outside of the hospital now!" I say to minju.

" I see, But tell me, if something like this happen again."

" Okay..." I say but suddenly someone hugs me from behind.

" Hani, you came back??


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