What is Love?

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What is love?
Is it what we all believe it is?
It's a war,
A battle.
Instead of friendship, equality, and trust,
We have hatred, discrimination, and lies.
It's definitely not what it used to be.
But what is it really?
It's our world.
Family, friends...
The ones whom you can't live without.
The ones who'll be there for you through the thick and thin.
The ones who'll make you smile on your worst day.
What is love?
It's beauty,
More than just on the surface, beneath the skin,
It shows more, proves more,
Than a made-up fake and makeup.
But we can change, truly.
We can make the biggest difference.
We can live in honesty and peace.
It's not all hugs and kisses,
Or "love at first sight".
It's the people you love and trust who'll teach you,
To trust and be trusted.
So what is love?
Love is change.
That's what love really is.

More to come soon. Comment for any ideas for what I should write about. I could put your poems in here too! (With your name of attached of course). Thanks for reading! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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