Part 3

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El Paso

"Your late, young man." reproached Alberto to his son

"Alberto, Jaime went to see Bart if he needs help with his stuff. And we have only just beginning the dinner. Don't listen your father, mi hijo. The most important thing is your here."

"Is Bart with you, Jaime ?" asked Milagro

Let's hope it will work.

"The Black Canary plan will work at 100 %. You have to trust her besides the Flash and Iris give their approval, there's nothing to worry about, Jaime Reyes." explained Khaji Da

"About Bart, I've got some bad news."

"Did something bad happen to him ?" asked Bianca his mother

"Yes, in fact it happen three weeks ago." 

"Jaime, did you lie to us during those three entire weeks ?" asked his father

"It was Barry and Iris decision, they told to me what really happen but they asked me to lie and I understand their position."

"And I respect it." announced his mother

"You're not serious."

"I am because they didn't want that we will be worry about Bart, they have enough stress."

"Jaime, what happen to Bart exactly ?" asked Milagro to avoid a argument between her parents.

"You heard about those childrens who disappear because they've got the metagene."

"Bart was.... test positive for the metagene ?" guess his mother and Jaime nodded "So does that means..." Bianca started

"No but it's almost happen. Bart was save by what they call a speedster."

"Like the Flash ?"

"Sí but it wasn't him. The one who save him was the Reverse Flash because he discover Bart's metagene was superspeed and he took Bart with him and since no news about Bart. The Flash is on the case, he think Reverse wants that Bart work with him."

"Why he wants Bart work with him ? After all, Bart knows he is a bad guy."

"From what I know and heard, this Reverse Flash is very dangerous, Milagro. He's capable of the worst things, he might find a way to blackmail Bart into joining him." assumed Alberto and Milagro sniffed

"Alberto, you scare Milagro. Don't say such things in front of our daughter." replied Bianca "Don't worry, Milagro. I'm sure the Flash do everything he can to find Bart. And he isn't alone, the Justice League help him." The little girl nodded, 

"Mama, I'm not hungry. I go in my room." said Jaime.

"Good night Jaime."

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