Kasane Depression

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'Where are you




These thoughs wandered through the pink-haired vocaloid's mind. "Where..?" She said, barely a whisper. Kasane Teto fell to her knees. "He...abandoned me..?" The petite Vocaloid choked out. "Why...?" She contemplated. Flipping out her phone, she quickly dialed the number. "Hello?" A voice on the other line of the phone said. "Kaito? Where are you? It's Teto." "Oh. Teto...by the way...its over." And with that, the blue haired vocaloid hung up. "Wh-wha...." Teto mouthed. What had just happened?! "How...why...when...?" The bread-loving girl screamed out into the night, "WHY?!" The pink haired girl couldn't believe it. Kaito just left her here?! All alone?! Why? 'AAAAH! FUCK!" She yelled in her head, really, really angry. She had no means of transportation. Sinking back to her knees, she began to sob, and she sobbed heavily. The pinkette heard a car noise and looked up. "A car..?" She asked quietly, her cheeks still red and puffy from crying. "Hello? Why are you crying?" A girl about Teto's age asked her. She had yellow hair, with a long, long ponytail. AND she had boobs. Teto felt a pang of jealousy as she looked at her own flat chest. "Hello?" The yellow-haired girl bent down and offered a hand to Teto. "Need a hand?" She asked. The pink-haired bread lover smiled slightly and stood up. "Yeah..." She mumbled. "Oh. You need a ride?" The yellowette asked. "Um..yes please." Teto asked politely. "Call me Neru." The yellow-haired girl stuck out her hand to shake. Teto shyly shook Neru's hand. "I'm Teto. Teto Kasane." The yellowette got in the car, Teto following shortly after. "Where to?" Neru asked. "Um. Nowhere...I don't have a house right now.." The pinkette frowned slightly. "No matter. You can stay in mine~!" The yellowette offered. "Really? Thanks." Teto thanked Neru. "Off we go~" Neru hummed as she started the car and drove off.


Hm. How was it? Leave a comment or whatever to tell me..? IDK. Okay people. I'm new(ish) so...forgive me if things are short. I'll make them longer. I promise. Okai~ bai~!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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