A Real Smile - Destiel

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Dean heard the familiar thudding of wings and knew that an Angel was standing behind him. Which angel? He didn’t know the answer, and nor did he care to find out. Dean had had enough of the feathery sons of bitches. They always managed to screw his life up. Dean did not turn. He looked up from his calloused hands and began walking down the front steps of the house.

“Hello Dean.”

Dean paused at the bottom. That voice belonged to Castiel. The one Angel he had been able to tolerate until recently. Merely because Cas wasn’t in league with the others. Still, Dean did not want to talk to anyone right now, let alone somebody with shadowy, ever-present wings. Dean kept walking.


Dean ignored the angel.

The crunching of Castiel’s footsteps began, following closely behind Dean.

“Why are you ignoring me?” Cas asked, his voice full of curiosity.

Dean shook his head. Cas still had no clue about the way human minds worked.

“Can’t you hear me Dean?”

Dean sighed. “I can hear you Cas, I’m just not acknowledging your existence.”

“But you just…” there was a long and rather awkward pause as Castiel tried to muddle out what Dean had said.

“Don’t strain yourself,” Dean said and stopped briefly at the garden fence. “The point is that I don’t want to talk to you.”

The crunching footsteps stopped someway behind Dean.

Castiel was confused. He honestly had no idea why Dean was acting like that. He just didn’t realise that he had done something so horribly wrong.

Dean turned to look back at the house he’d left, expecting to see the angel standing there, trench coat flying about him in the wind, but Cas was gone. Dean turned back, loosening his tie slightly and rounding the corner. He slid into the driver’s side of the Impala and just sat there. The passenger seat was empty and there were food wrappers littering the back.

“Where’s Sam?”

Dean jumped and glanced in the rear view mirror to find Cas staring back at him, a scowl on his face.

“He left.”

“Where did he go…?”

“Cas you didn’t come to help us.”

“I couldn’t… I’m sorry,” Cas looked down.

“You’re SORRY!?” Dean nearly shouted. “You left us to deal with this crap by ourselves and now Sam has gone to Detroit!”

Cas looked up again, eyes widening. “What!?”

“We had a… disagreement… and he took off! He’s going to say yes to Lucifer, Cas! I feel it.”

“I… We must stop him.”

“Don’t you get it Cas? We can’t. It’s too late now. We had our chance, but you weren’t here, and now it’s too late!”

“It was hardly my fault,” Castiel mumbled.

“Cas, you left us!” Dean huffed. “You left me and Sam and you didn’t tell us why. We were unprepared and we had no idea where the hell you were!” Dean turned around to look the angel directly in the eye. “We needed you Cas. We begged for help. And you said no.”

After a few seconds of silence, Cas turned from Dean to squint out the window. “I am not responsible for you and Sam falling out… again.”

Dean flinched. He didn’t let Castiel see how deep that hit him, just rolled his eyes and got the engine going. He couldn’t be bothered explaining that his fight with Sam had been sparked due to Castiel being absent. Lucifer walked free. Sam wanted to go after him. Dean wouldn’t let him and Sam had snapped. Again. Same song, different verse. Sam could make his own choices and wouldn’t let Dean get in his way. He refused to accept the fact that he was destined to say yes, to become the Devil’s vessel.

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