A Frozen hogwarts AU

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     My heart is beating so fast it felt like I wanted to run away but it is too late for that, I was already in the line for the sorting ceremony, why did I even enrolled this place?! I'm scared! What if I'm didn't belong neither from the 4 houses? It would be too embarassing for me, I could feel their laugh and mock ready..I-I made a very wrong choice! I'm sorry!!

"Ms./Mr. (Your last name) you are next!" The old young man patted my shoulder as he smiled at me, I flinched as I saw the sorting hat staring at me suspiciously...was I that odd to look at me like that? I sighed and proceeded to walk towards it

Here I am, sitting at this old, bunky chair, praying for my dear life not to get humiliated, please sorting hat, place me in any house! Just any!

The hat was placed on my head and with a sudden touch of it, my spine felt cold, I was scared...the hat gave out a confusing face and disbelief

I'm doomed!!! It wasn't sure where I'm at!!

I closed my eyes, I want to cry now...

But then the hat opened its mouth and the other students waited for its declaration..

"You belong to the Slytherin house!" It said and my eyes opened wide...

Me? A slytherin? I was included in the 4 houses?!

I muttered and a wide smile planted on my face as my other fellow Slytherins cheered and whistled while the Gryffindors stared at them disgustingly, I giggled

"Welcome to the Slytherin Mr/Ms. (Your name)" the old man smiled at me and placed the crest on my cloak, I bowed

"Thank you sir Kai..."

As the cremenoy continued, I sat with my group, hugging me and ruffled my hair in happiness and of course, we are so stubborn....

The ceremony ended successfully...and now I shall face the other terror of this school..

The Professors

Though... I haven't met ours...how scary it could be?

The bell rang and I was almost late at the class, I hurriedly picked up my notes and ran at the hallway like a madman, other students in different houses just stared at me, whispering

But yeah yeah chit chat all you want..

Unfortunately, I bumped someone and landed on our butts...

"Watch it you fool!" A young man yelled at me and I yelled back

"Don't you see I was hurrying?!" I turned to see who it is and I saw a blue tie and an Raven crest

A Ravenclaw student?

"Then next time, try to wake up early to avoid dashing someone.." he replied as he stroked his platinum blonde hair, he picked up my books and handed them to me.."but of course..first day..is not that all perfect..I really don't like this school afterall.." he sighed and looked at me with his faceless expression he reached his hand to me "The name's Henry.." he replied and I went to grab his hand to shake with him "oh..um (your name)"

"You're late...now go.." he pushed me so sudden that I never got the chance to say thank you..

Henry huh?

I quickly opened the door and luckily our professor wasn't still around, I was in a rush to find any place to sat down..

"Wew...you're late?" A girl with a black and purple hair asked me

"Yeah.." I chuckled..

"The name's Evence by the way.." she reached out and I told her mine..

"Glad to meet you..oh, have you met our professor yet?" She asked curiously but I shook my head, she chuckled "nah..It's fine..I haven't meet ours either.." she raised her foot and placed them at the table, I laughed

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