Titanic 3

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     After the evening party, they finally went inside to their respective cabin to rest, already in their sleeping attire, Anna had already snoring as well as Kristoff, however one particular person still deep in thoughts, could not believe of what just happened...entering the room only to took of his black outer suit, he sat on a chair and faced the mirror for an hour

"Seems like someone is grinning.." A voice coming through the changing room made him to turn around, he saw his wife already dressed in blue long nightgown and loosely robe tied around her waist, her braided hair was now at loose, her platinum blonde colored hair drapped freely on her shoulders

"I just can't believe what happened back there..I mean..I thought I was only going to talk with the Vice Mayor but instead..."

"You had the kindest man to awcknowledge you?" Elsa finished and ruffled his hair "I'm so proud of you!" She grinned and starting to pull off his tie that is still attached around his neck

"I mean...Yes, I still had to thank the Vice Mayor, even how hardheaded that old man is, I wouldn't have met Mr. Milfrod if without him"

"True...and you wouldn't show your documents to the other ministers..who knows maybe they'll call you for sidework.." She placed the tie on the table and kissed his forehead

"It will be a great news for both of us...we should tell Anna and Kristoff tomorrow" Elsa smiled "I'm sure they'll be hysterical about it.."

"Well, that is their happiness just to us happy too..." Hans nodded his head

Elsa smiled back, he saw her looking adoringly at him that face that he wanted to see everyday, she turned around to grab the sheets when a sudden arms embraced her causing to loose her balance..

"EEEII!" She yelped and tripped, falling towards the bed, her husband laughed at his wife's expression, Elsa frowned at him

"Stop surprising me!" She smacked his head like a child

"I am not! I just want to make you laugh.." he kept laughing at the side of the bed as she huffed making her face red from embarassment, again

He turned back at her and checked if she's sleeping, he caught her hiding her face beneath the sheets

"What are you doing?" He chuckled

Elsa kept silent for a while, he waited for a reply with patience

"Nothing..." she replied under the sheets

"Really?" He asked but suddenly pulling the sheets away from her, she felt it and pulled it back, fighting tug of war

"Stop acting like a child Hans!" She laughed back

"I am not...and besides.." he pulled the sheets so hard, pulling his wife as she cluthed the sheets with her dear life towards him, her mind goes blank when she realized she was already pinned down by him, they both stared at each other silently.

"You already married this man.." he replied in whisper

Elsa squinted her eyes and covered them "My Goodness what are you doing.."

"What do you think I was doing?"

"Pinning me down on top of you? That's suspicious.." she raised her brow "someone will barge in.."

"I already locked it..." he's way too clever

"You.." she breathed, calming herself down  "For the record, Mr. Westergaard, I'm already immune to your charms and whatsoever..."

He laughed sarcastically "I haven't done anything to you..." he looked at her

"Yet..." he finished, without any warning, he pulled her head gently towards his, kissing her passionately to which she was flabbergasted and her eyes were in shock, at first her body was stiff, nervous but somehow, deep down she regretfully admit that she missed this moment, just the two of them alone, she let herself to relax once again and reached her hand and caressed his auburn hair, it was soft and tempting, slowly trailing her hand on his back but he doesn't mind, he missed him being with her, he missed his wife whenever he's out from the town, he wants this day to be memorable for her, for both of them, he kissed his wife down to her porcelain neck..

"This is...new" she laughed

"What new?" He stopped and rested his head on her shoulder, she gently played his hair

"I mean..you'd never surprise me to be like this...not because you're drunk like the last time.." she replied as she giggled, he raised his body to face her again

"I'd never expect that such a gentleman like you could do this to a lady like m-" trying to tease him, Hans raised his brow and kissed her to stop her sentence

"I'm still the gentleman you knew back there, afterall, if you would complain, I would have already stopped, but somehow you didn't, well in that case..." He pressed his lips against hers again, he could felt his vest slowly being unbuttoned by her, revealing his half of his chest bare to her, her robe was no longer covering her up, revealing her skyblue nightgown, her slim figure reflects to her silk dress and her platinum hair spreaded on the sheets, he already admired her beauty but her kindess is what made him to fell in love with her

     His soft tender kiss down to her shoulder gave her a chill to her spine, as the sensation of his warm embrace comforts her, his gentle touch through her waist down to her thigh, it made her felt weak..

"Tired aren't you, your majesty?" He smiled at her mischeiviously, surely he's playing with her again with that suspicious smile of his, she shook her head raising her brow "challenge me Mr. Westergaard.." she talked him back, persuading him..he chuckled

"As you wish.." he laughed, pulling both her legs to get her closer to him as she let out a surprise look

"Woah woah, you're going to break my both my feet!" She hysterically laughed as he climbed on top of her closer, as a result his wife scolded him to remove his shoe or the sheet will get stained, though he ignored her and started to kissing her on face, giggling as his wife was trying to move away from him..

"You know you can't escape me right?" He asked catching up his breath

"Unless I tried..." she panted from the struggle, her husband stared at her for a moment before he could say something

"Elsa..." Hans whispered


He lifted his head to look at her

"I love you..." he smiled

Elsa felt another warm feeling through her, she smiled back to him "I  love you too.."

Once again they kissed for a longer time...


A loud bang interrupted the moment, causing to stop from their business as Hans lifted his head and looked at the wall with a blank face while Elsa smiled at him awkwardly, he removed himself on top of her and slowly crawled under the bed nodding his head

"Alright I'm coming, I'm coming...he kept saying as he quickly buttoned up his sleeves and his vest back, he fixed his hair and clothing beofre he could grabbed the doorknob

He reached the knob and twisted it "what was it at this time of...wait Kristoff?" His eyes were in wonder as he saw his brother-in-law looking nervous

"Hans there's something I have to tell you about the sh-" he's about to finish his sentence when he realized that Elsa was on the bed looking confused as him but this she's covering herself on the sheets, hair messy and flustered face..

"Or did I come from a bad time?"

Hans raised his brow and forgot that he opened the door too much, exposing his wife, he slowly drawing the door closer to him and turned his head back to Kristoff the door created a creaking sound enveloped the awkwardness from the two men, He gave him his intimidating look

"We are not doing of what you are thinking right now..." Hans replied with a hint of threat to his voice, Kristoff forcefully nodded and proceeded to tell his main purpose "Right..anyways here what I have to say to you, no no...don't call me crazy but...it's about this ship.."

And the word SHIP triggered him

"Titanic?" He asked and Kristoff nodded

"Hans...I think the Titanic is broken.."

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