What Anna thinks of her crushes

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Okay so... Anna is going to talk about how she feels about her crushes (Azusa and Subaru) lol she's gonna be 100% honest.


Anna: At first I thought that he was an asshole but when I got to know him he was actually really nice. When I'd give him a compliment he would blush and say "Whatever..." Or "Shut up..." He's almost like a Tsundere in a way. I find it really adorable when he blushes.

Sometimes he gives me hugs and occasional kisses. They're short but sweet. I could tell that it takes him some courage to do such a thing as that.

He's sweet but at times he can get... Really angry. When he's like that he destroys everything in sight and has no mercy on giving me pain but afterwards, he keeps on saying that he's sorry. I often feel pity for him. When he told me about his childhood...I was just in shock at what he went through with his mother and father...

Overall, I trust Subaru-kun. He can be cold and brutal on the outside but on the inside, he's just a sweet, kind hearted boy. I don't think he's a monster. I love him for just the way he is. ♥


Anna: Azusa-kun is...different in a way...but I like that. When I get nightmares, he let's me sleep with him in his room saying, "I'll make...the nightmares...go away." And that's very sweet of him.

I ended up choosing him to be Adam and everything has been different since then. He has been more...Protective of me. He won't "share" me with his brothers that much but it's okay. I hang out with them at school....

I don't like it when Azusa-kun hurts himself. Especially in front of me. It makes my heart clench when I see him do it. I know he's a masochist but... I'm worried for him. I don't want him to be hurt in any way...

Overall, Azusa-kun is an adorable cinnamon roll that needs to be protected. I hope that in the future he stops hurting himself. I'm glad that I could be his Eve. I could tell that he was happy because...He...Kissed me after I told him... (*/ω\*) I hope we can be together in the future. I love him so much for his personality and more. ♥

Okay... I really wanna see some people make some of their own with their OC's Soooooooooooo I'mma tag some people lol











I love chu guys! ♥

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