Pro's and Con's of being a vampire

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Hi guys! I have my OC here and she's gonna tell you the pros and cons of being a vampire!

Anna: "okay... So... We're doing this? Yes? Okay."

♔ Pros ♔

• You can fly on a full moon, which I find very fun! ^^

• We are immune to human if you're sick, May I take care of you?

• We don't die with age (cough cough I'm about 136 years old)

• Vampires a stronger than humans but If you're a half blood like me, we're strong, but not as strong as pure bloods.

• We can shape shift into bats! I don't really do it that often though...

• Teleportation O.O

• We are night owls. Sleep in the day, rule the night... But sometimes... I sleep at night.

♚ Cons ♚

• Blood. If you don't drink it regularly, you might die.
I hate drinking Blood because I'm basically putting someone in danger and I don't want them to be hurt...

• Ahhhhhhhhhhh we. Are. COLD!  
I can barely keep warm.... Especially in the winter time...

• it can sometimes be painful. Really. This has to do with the first con. If we don't drink Blood in a while, we start to cough up blood ourselves. It hurts a shit lot.

• Subaru told me that food doesn't bring any nutrition to pure Blood vampires. But for "halfies" you can get some nutrition out of it.
I hate it when he calls us "halfies"

• You don't really feel....alive...

Anna: Oki. There. I did the pros and cons...

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