Chapter 3: What Am I To Do?

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Chapter 3


Bella had become a zombie.

She would wake up, eat a piece of toast, go to school, come back from school, and stare out the window. She repeated this like a clock, scaring Charlie and Filene, she would sometimes talk to Filene, but it would consist of one word 'Yeah'. and the nights, good lord the night; Bella has nightmares, screaming at the top of her lungs, at first Filene was able to calm her down, but as it continued, it got worse.

Filene's ankle had healed fast and was back on her feet, trying to help Bella as much as she could.

Her nightmares were taking affected Filene the most, Charlie would find Filene sitting on a chair beside Bella's bed and looked as if she was waiting for the screams to rise. Charlie knew it wasn't healthy for a fifteen year old girl to be this, but he didn't know what to do, and that he decided what he must do, and that was to go fishing with Billy, and Harry while his daughters went to school.

"Is Bella still having nightmares?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, and her screams are getting worse, poor Filene has been trying to help her for the past week, but I don't think Filene can take it. I mean I am about to call Rene to take Bella this afternoon."

Billy nodded. "That is a very good idea, but what about Filene?"

"Oh, she is going to stay with me, she has made more friends here than she did when she lived with Rene, or so Rene says, but I think that's trash, Filene can make friend just by blinking her eyes and smiling her smile." Charlie said grinning.

Harry and Billy knew exactly what Charlie meant; that little girl, well now a young woman, had a smile that would brighten your day. Sort of like Jacob's smile, only nicer.

"Anyways, like I said, I just wish I could get Filene out of there so that she can concentrate on her homework and catching some shut eye." Charlie said as he took a sip of his beer. "Instead was staying up all night waiting for Bella to start screaming before I wake up."

Billy shrugged. "How about Filene come over and stay at my place? She's usually there anyways."

"Oh no, Bill, I don't want to trouble you with this." Charlie said shook his head.

"It's not really, anyways, I need her to teach me how to cook half of her recipes, this would be the perfect time." Billy said grinning.

Harry and Charlie laughed along with Billy.

"But still, Billy, she's a teenager, as is your son." Charlie pointed out. "No offence to Jake, I like him, but Filene is my baby girl."

Billy smiled. "I understand that Charlie, remember I had two girls before Jake was born, and I trust Jake, and besides, Jake is pinning after Bella so I don't think it is a problem."

Harry looked around in surprise. "Really? I thought he was with Filene, what with her being followed by the musketeers and all."

"No, no, Jake likes Filene as a friend, and wants to help out as much as he can; have her go places rather than be cooped up with the Cullens all the time." Billy explained, sounding a bit disappointed with his son to Charlie's confusion. "Anyways, Charlie, like you said, you need to get Filene away, even if she is helping Bella a little, it is not helping her own health."

It took Harry and Billy a while to convince Charlie to let his youngest daughter out of the house and stay with Billy and Jake. They succeeded, Filene would leave in the middle of November.

November 18th...

"Happy birthday Filene!" Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela shouted in unison as Filene walked into the lunchroom.

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