Satellite Heart Musical Part 1

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Satellite Heart Musical Part 1

A/N:: Okay I am making this Musical cause it won't get out of my head, and I am sorry for not making the second chapter but I am still thinking what Filene would do and so forth. Anyways, here is the good stuff!

Dancing Queen

Filene, Angela and Jessica were in Jessica's bedroom at her house, working on their homework when Jessica looked to Filene.

"Filene, is it true that you got a crush on Jacob Black," she asked, "You know! Tall, dark and hott?"

Filene's face went red and turned back to her history. "It's a small matter Jess."

Jess shook her head. "No it's not, Filly! Just because Bella is depressed, doesn't mean that you can't have fun!"

"It's not just that Jessica, Jake likes Bella…and now that Bella is hanging out with him, I can't do anything." Filene explained.

Angela looks up from her notebook with a frown. "What!"

Jess grimaced. "Ooh hun, you got it bad don't you."

"Didn't you tell Bella how you felt about Jacob?" Angela budged in.

There was a pause before Filene spoke again. "It doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is Bella being happy, and if being with Jake makes her happy, then I will take it."

"Bull shit!" Jess shouted.

"Jessica!" they heard Jessica's mom scorn.

Jessica sighs. "Sorry mom, stumped on a corner."

She turned her attention back to Filene. "Filene, you are becoming a push over, hell, you are a push over."

"I am not-" she stopped when she saw Angela agreeing with Jessica.

Jessica stood up. "Filene Moira Swan."

How did she know my middle name? Filene thought.

"This is not the time to be sad and down it is time to dance the life away! And we will god damn will!" Jessica cheered. "Come on Angela, let's cheer Filene up!"

Angela giggled as she headed for the CD player while Jessica opened up her closet. All of the sudden, a familiar song came on, and at that moment Angela jumped to Jessica's side and pointed to a gawking Filene.

"You can dance, you can jive!" they sang, swaying their hips. "Having the time of your life, woooh! See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen."

"OH NO!" Filene groaned as Angela and Jessica dragged her into the closet, closely followed by Jessica's mother whom held a make up box.

As they try to find clothes for themselves and Filene; Jessica, her mom, and Angela hid behind some of the clothes.

"Friday nights and the lights are low." Angela sang before disappearing into the clothes.

Jessica appeared. "Looking out for the place to go."

As she disappeared, her mom came out, freaking Filene out. "Where they play the right music."

All three girls came out, dressed up as Elvis. "Getting in the swing, you come looking far a king."

They did the Elvis Presley move before going back into the changing rooms. Clothes went flying through the air before Angela came out, dressed as a boy.

"Anybody could be that guy." she sang as Jessica came out and joined her. "Night is young and the music's high."

Her mom (Whom I am now naming Cassie) comes out, they sang as they grabbed Filene and threw her into the changing room before following her. "With a bit of rock music, everything is fine."

Cassie comes out looking proud as she sat on the same chair Filene was on and watched as her daughter and her friends come out like models.

"You're in the mood for a dance." sang Jessica, coming out in a black and blue cocktail dress with blue pumps.

"And when you get the chance." Angela added. Coming out in a purple silky tank top with tight blue jeans and sandals.

Filene came out, smiling proud as she came out in all her black and pink glory with black high heels.

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen." they sang as they danced towards the door. "Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, Oh Yeah!"

Jessica's dad; Steve, looked up from his book and watch his daughter, wife and friends go down the stairs singing.

They pointed to the confused Steve. "You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life."

"Whooooo!" they waved good bye to Jessica's parents before heading out the door. "See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen!"

They drive to Port Angeles and parked near a club called 'Dancing Queen'. As they got of the car, they pasted a group of guys that were waiting at the line. Jessica stopped and caught one of the guy's attention by leaning close to him, Angela and Filene joined, finding a guy for their own.

"You're a teaser, you turn 'em on." Filene sang, smiling at Jessica. "Leave them burning and then your gone."

They leave the guys and hug each other as they headed towards the entrance, followed by the guys and other people from the line. "Looking out for another, anyone will do."

"You're in the mood for a dance." They show their I.D to the bouncer, he nodded and let them in. "And when you get the chance."

Everyone began dancing the hustle, each girl had a guy beside them as they sang. "You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen."

A disco ball comes out from the ceiling. "Dancing queen, feel the from the tambourine, oh yeah!"

Jessica, Filene and Angela pointed to each other. "You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life!"

"Whoooo!" they cheered. "see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen."

They continued doing the hustle as they danced with their partner and smiling at each other, and I quote 'having the time of their lives'. "Diggin' the dancing queen!"

Dancing away from their partners, they danced towards each other before pointing to the camera. "You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life, hoodoo!"

Jessica and Filene point to Angela. "See that girl!"

Angela does a little hip swaying before doing a twirl before Filene and her point to Jessica. "Watch that scene!"

Jessica does a bit of the hustle before she and Angela point to Filene. "Diggin' the dancing queen!"

Now Filene does a front flip with hands, and then another without her hands. The girls laugh and cheered as they hugged each other, the laughter was joined by the people whom were either watching it or was in it as they clapped for the three girls.

A/n: That was nice, hopefully I can get back to work now!

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