VI. Kasugayama

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I saw four men at the gates of Kasugayama Castle. So they got Nobunaga's letter. And one of them was...

'Sasuke!' I shouted. I kicked Han to a gallop. When I reached them, I jumped off and hugged him. He almost fell back.

'Ana?' He was beyond surprised.

I knew Japanese people were not the touchy-feely type but I just couldn't help myself. 'Uhm, yeah, sorry about that.' I quickly pulled away.

'Ana, I though you were...' He looked at me quizzically.

'Yeah, that's a long story, I'll tell you later. What are you still doing here?' I totally ignored the other people around us.

'That's a long story too. Seems like we have a lot to catch up on.'

'Sasuke, would you be so kind and introduce us this unearthly beauty?' I vaguely remembered him from my nightmarish night in Honno-ji. He looked stunning.

'Of course, my apologies. This is Ana, she is a friend of mine and she...'

'... Is here on Lord Nobunaga's behalf as the representative of the Oda forces to negotiate with Lord Kenshin and Lord Shingen.' I bowed and looked deep into those gray eyes. He shot me a disarming smile.

'Ana, this is Lord Shingen.' Sasuke sighed. Shingen bowed and took my hand and kissed it. I knew he was trouble right away...

'This is Lord Kenshin.' He motioned towards the man who looked like he was sculpted by Michelangelo. His eyes were heterochromatic to make him look even more untouchable. He was there that night too...

'Nobunaga sent a woman? Pathetic!' He was not as enthusiastic as Shingen. 'Why do you have two swords?

'One is mine, the other was Date Masamune's.' I rested my arm on the collar of my sword.

'How did you get it?' Kenshin looked interested.

'I won in fair fight.' I got his attention. But before he could ask anything Sasuke went on.

'And this is Yukimura, Lord Shingen's vassal.' He introduced the handsome guy next to Shingen.

'Are you a warrior or what? He frowned.

'Yeah, sort of.' He was not as sophisticated as his lord and when I smiled at him, he blushed. Cutie.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar sound of a sword being drawn. Luckily, my hand was still on my sword because Kenshin just attacked me. I managed to parry. 'Bloody hell?!'

'Lord Kenshin!' Sasuke shouted. Shingen and Yukimura gapsed in surprise.

'Hm, not bad from a woman. If The One-Eyed Dragon fought you, I shall test you too. Tomorrow morning, we are sparring.' And just like that he turned on his heel and walked back to the castle.

'My apologies for Lord Kenshin.' Sasuke adjusted his glasses. 'He is a little unconventional. Naturally, you don't have to spar with him.'

'It's okay. I like him...' I watched him go. There was something special about him but I couldn't grasp what.

'Really?' Shingen looked amused. 'Anyway, you must be tired. I've already got a room prepared for you.' Shingen wore a flirtatious smile.

'Here it comes...' Yukimura rolled his eyes.

'Thank you. I could really use a hot bath and a long sleep.' I knew Shingen would latch on this.

'At your service, beautiful princess!' His large hand clasped mine gently.

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