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I stood in the empty attic, scared by how different it looked when untouched. I turned, quietly decended the steps, and exited the house. I was met by the cold night air, chilling me to the bone. I was never going to see my family again. I took a step into the moonlight, and another, and another until I couldn't see the house behind me. I felt a rush of fear and exitement. I was on my own. I was ready. I set down the heavy belongings I was carrying near a marketplace, and rested on a lumpy pillow. I was unsure what to do next, but sleep was a high priority. I would figure out what to do in the morning.

When I woke, I decided first that I needed food. I was near a market, so I stood and walked over. I brought out what money I've hidden over the years, and got a few things. I sat, ate, and basically wondered what to do with my free time for the rest of the day.

For the next few days, I did almost exactly the same things, but not spending money so much. I began moving around with my belongings, finding new people and little things for money.

One night, I fell asleep below the stars in a strange new place, but that was usual. What was different was when I woke up.

When I woke, I was on a hard metal table, chained down to the cold surface.
"What the hell?" I whispered. I tried to recall yesterday's events... I definitely was not in a place like this. The room was dark, and rust was creeping up metal objects all around. They looked strange to me. Other tools... a pair of gloves... a syringe? Wherever I was, it wasn't good.

After I waited for what seemed like forever, stuck to the icy metal, footsteps came from behind me, where I could not see.  A voice spoke from where they stopped,
"So, this is it?" It was female.

"Yes. Not very impressive--yet," a low and gravelly voice followed.

"Right. So, do you think this one will be different?" The woman asked.

"There's no reason for it to be different. I just want to see how she turns out."

They stood in silence for a few moments, then without another word, they both left. The room went pitch black, and I was left alone and confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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