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3 years ago

The boy braced himself against the sink, ragged pants falling from his lips as he struggled to regain control of his emotions. It was just a simple math problem, why was it so hard for him to say the answer? His grip on the porcelain had turned his knuckles white and he felt his knees buckling. Why wasn't he calming down?

After realizing that the tears weren't going to stop the boy walked into a stall and slid down the wall until he was sitting against the smooth tiles with his head hung between his legs. He had run out of his medication a week ago and his dad refused to buy more because it was too expensive for a made up condition. His pulse was still beating in his ears when he heard the bathroom door creak open.


What was Hoseok doing in the bathroom?

Jin sniffled a little bit but made no move to answer the boy. He heard more footsteps before they suddenly stopped, and he looked up from his knees only to be met with Hoseok's face underneath the bottom of the stall door. Jin jolted at the sudden sight and Hoseok laughed.

"Come on out Jin, let's talk."

Jin's chest tightened more and his breathing got harsher as he realized that he was really talking to Hoseok- well, Hoseok was talking to him. Stumbling to his feet, Jin opened the stall door and was instantly met with a warm hug. In the next few seconds Hoseok sat down and placed Jin on his lap, stroking the small freshman's hair while the boy hiccupped as he tried so hard to breathe properly.

Jin had no clue how much he liked being held until then.

He didn't know why his class president had followed him to the bathroom, nor did he know why he was stroking his hair, but as he came down from his panic attack he was positive that he had developed a crush on Hoseok.


They are the same age in this with Hoseok being a little older, and I will make a profile page eventually 

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