You Mad?

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"Zion!"I call out to my boyfriend he hums in response "hmm?"I squint at him "What is that?"I ask "What is what?"he asks turning around confused
"You? What is that?" I ask again"you just...some ugly."I say laughing" Y/N last time I checked you thought I was fine asf"he says mocking me"Yeah boy thought."I say laughing even more walking over to him on the couch"Boy what is with your hair? Pineapple head ass nigga."I say laughing harder"Bro Y/n you are not funny."he said turning away from me(He so defensive it's cute he know he lookin like a whole snack I was bored and wanted to mess with him) He was wearing his blue hat with pikachu on the front and a green hoodie with black jeans, I take it off"Nigga yo ass still like Pokemon? What are you 12?"I say laughing my ass off, he got up and walked into the kitchen pouting like a baby" Zion!"I yell from the couch"You mad?"I ask him laughing, he ignores me"Babe I'm just playin."I say getting up from the couch"You not ugly, I was just playing."I say walking into the kitchen and lifting myself onto the counter he was leaning on, i cup his face with my hands"I'm sorry baby."I say pecking his still pouting lips"Y/N you can't be playing like that."he states"Okay baby but I'm not making no promises."I laugh and peck his lips one more time
Hey Baddie😍
This was also bad and I had writers block so I was stuck thinking about what to write sorry it's so short

Word count:291

Zion Kuwonu ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ