Mom Dad The Truth

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Do enjoy my dear readers


Tears choked me, not in a million years did I imagine this happening. My parents in front of me looking so alive it hurt. Not a single mark marred their bodies not even a single burnt mark. My mother smiled me with her brilliant, pearly, whites that contrasted her darkly melanin skin and long waist length locks. They swayed around her like living things, but they always did have a life of their own; emphasizing her neat features and her beauty. My father as always dwarfed her mother in size and height. He was built with ropes of muscles from regular workout that made him looked like a caramel version of Chris Hemsworth version of Thor, if he was of African Irish descent. His long, black locks was pulled back dusted by greying hairline, the only tell that he was nearly ten years her mother's senior, but he was so handsome and youthful no one noticed that fact.

How was that even possible? Even now with the imagine of my parents burning in that flaming over turned car danced before my eyes robbing me of breath. Her lungs burnt as endless streams of tears poured out of her. The explosion took more than just the remnant of their body, it took piece of me as well.

"This isn't real! This can't be real! This can't be real! This can't be real! This can't be real!" I chanted.

"It's real, Squirt." Mom cooed lovingly pulling me into her embrace kissing my head while Dad bear hugged the both of us so hard I couldn't breath properly.

"You called out to us and finally we are able to answer your call but only for a short time, Squirt." Dad added.

"Squirt" It's really them! Deep in my heart I knew it. The knowledge that this was real made me want to jump for joy except it could all be fake. But then no one else knew that nickname, they've been calling me that since I was two years. It was the first word I'd ever spoken. Falling into hysterics I was torn between crying and laughing. Mom and Dad comforted me the entire time, whispering apologies and a bunch of other stuff I could barely heard. My legs crumbled unable to handle the shock as my mind finally caught up with it all. Taking deep breaths, I forced myself calm.

"How is this possible.... I..... saw you ....... die." I croak, pain lanced through my heart having said it out loud. The good memories turned nightmares haunt me even now and saying it made it worst.

"We wanted so much for you not to see that. I would take those memories from you if only I could, but I couldn't." Mom caressed my face wiping away the remainder of my tears.

"We. Your mom and I are sorry that we never told you the truth, but you need to know that we did it to protect you. Our deaths are not your fault it was fated and nothing you could have done would have stopped it, only bared more costly consequences. I wished we had more time with you but know that you are our heart and we love you so much, no matter what happens."

"You're not making any sense. What are you talking about? Why do you sound like its gonna go to hell? We're here together can't we talk for a while, I've missed you guys so much. I wanna stay with you. Please?" They shared a hesitant look with each other before focusing on me and the look in their eyes was unsettling. Whatever was coming next wasn't going to be good.

"We miss you too, Squirt." Dad wiped at tears I still didn't realize were still running down my cheeks. Mom release me and stepped aside so he could wrap me in the safety of his bear like arms. He held on tightly and I did the same afraid if I let go then he would disappear, and all this would be a dream. The thought ripped at my very soul. I wanted them to stay.

"Esa!" Mom used my name and not my nickname like she usually did. Dad released me moving to the side so Mom could talk to me face to face. It was about to get serious and uncomfortable, I didn't want that. She held up her hands to stop my protest. "We don't have much time left, I can't hold your soul here too much longer without hurting you."

She hesitated before continuing, "You are a different from most teenage girls."

That didn't surprise me one bit, I dream about people's death. I even found a freaking death girl's body!

"You are a Banshee. And a Witch by direct descent. A very powerful one, you are born from two long powerful bloodline." Her mother said. She never did know how to delicately give people bad news or in this case life changing one. Dad was always the one to do these delicate emotional things gently.

I looked to Dad who nodded in conformation and the world seemed stopped spinning and once again it was very hard to breath. Shocked once again I couldn't believe it. It was true? Aunt Cara hadn't been talking nonsense but the .... the TRUTH.

"No!" I shook my head, hands over her ears. "The only thing different about me is that I suffer from nightmare after seeing my parents burnt alive. And the fact that I haven't been able to drive my jeep since then. Yes! maybe I'm a freak who still can't get over parents' death or speak about how it feels but I'm definitely not a WITCH or a damn BANSHEE." I yelled.

Suddenly I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to hear any of it, I was just starting to get used to the fact that I was all alone in this world. AN orphan. Now I was going to be and even bigger freak. Can't I just catch a damn break, please?

"Squirt, this is hard we know but it's the truth and you need to know it now more than ever. You are in danger and so is everyone you care about. We thought keeping this a secret would of protect you, but it didn't."

"Gosh! Mom slow down. You're not making any sense. What am I a part of?" Now panic skid down my spine, the fear in her voice shook me to my core. Mom wasn't the type to get scared easily.

"There's this prophecy and you are the only one capable of stopping the killer before they succeed."

"Killer? What Killer? What are you talking about?"

"The one who killed Sandy White, you met the killer in the woods. Only you can stop this killer, you can change the current course of the future. Your life and those of everyone around you rest on your shoulders. I know this is a heavy burden, but you are our daughter and you're are strong, you were born for this."

Mom wasn't making any sense and I was even more confused. I heard everything but I just couldn't any make sense of any of it. Of any of this!

White, hot pain lance its way through me, it ripped at every molecule in my body forcing them apart. Burning a scorched marked trail along the way it made my stomach making it heaved as my lungs felt crushed under the pressure. Everything felt hot and the air begun to thin.

But the worst part was hearing my parents fading voices filled with fear and concern matching their fading expression. One second, they were so solid I could embrace them and the next they became ghost like wind molecules wasting away quickly into mere whispers of wind. I knew logically that they couldn't have been real but the pain of losing them ripped took the soul out my body. Desperate, I tried to hold onto them fighting the force that pulled me apart but most importantly away from them, but it was futile. My hands when through their outstretched ones like I grabbed aimlessly at the air.

Life was a crashing wave and its forces I couldn't seem to fight.

With a shrilling cry filled with the pain, grief, loneliness and desperation I was dragged back to the bleak reality that was my life.

Only around me was a room was in ciaos and I was the cause of it all. Soft candle light the room as the scent of herbs that worked to calm my raging soul. Some of the candles still lit while the other were around the floor mostly without fire. A soft whimper drew my attention to a terrified Dimitri curled up in a corner with a bleeding nose his gaze fixated on me in terror before jumping to mother. Aunt Cara laid on the ground in front of me across the room with non movement and closed eyes, her breath a soft, faint whisper, the air from her mouth a soft light blue glow as her lips trembled out a soft chant.

Recollection hit me very hard. I caused this! More accurately my scream had some how done it. Knocked my Aunt across the room, unconscious, well mostly. It was all true. My parents had been telling the truth, the room was proof. Even my brain could come up with some logical reason to disclaim my parents. I was a Witch and the messenger of death, a Banshee.

There was a killer out there. Everyone is in danger and I alone could some how stop the killer.

"Fuck!" I sighed in shock, but despair was what gripped my heart in crippling talons.

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