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"Tell us again grandmama, please?" Jakxon pleads. "Tell us about how you met grandpapa."

"Yes please, grandmama," all of his siblings and cousins echo.

Theas walks over from the other side of the foyer, put a hand on my shoulder, and with a firm politeness said, "Why not Grayce? It is not like we have not told this before. One more time."

I look up at Theas and smile, "Fine. Where should I start, children?"

Lylian stands up and says, "Start at the beginning Grandmama, please?"

"Alright Lylian, but which beginning? Grandpa's or mine?"

"Start with yours!" Lylian squeals.

"Okay, gather 'round children," I yell through the house. Once they all sit down I begin. "It started at my 18th birthday ball. The fanfare had just begun and my arm was through the Duke of Mirys's. Father had told the Duke that if I didn't find a suitor more... suitable that he would have my hand in marriage-" I am cut off as Jakxon jumps up, "But Grandmama you weren't married to him, were you?"

"No, Jakxon. I married his brother," I said with a wink at Theas. "So, when the doors opened, I walked down the staircase with the Duke. I walked to the edge of the throne area and curtsied. When Father beckoned me to my chair I stood and walked to my throne. I sat there most of the ball, only getting up when a prince, count, or another duke asked me to dance. You see children it wasn't heard of for a woman to turn down any man for a dance."

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