Chapter 4

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We had been married for less than three months when Father died. The doctor came and said that Father had died of natural causes. We were immediately taken to another room where Theas was taken to an altar where another man was brought and the ceremony started.

"Prince Theas, do you still uphold the promises that you made at your crowning?"

"I do."

The man looked to me and I nodded, "Do you remember those promises, oaths, and swearings?" Theas nodded. "Then I now-"

A guard bursts through the door with a letter in his hand, "Urgent letter from The King of Mirys, Prince Theas, you are needed on the front lines."

I looked at the guard, took the letter, then I looked at Theas, "Go, your family needs you."

Theas looked at me, "In a moment. Sir, please continue."

The man looked at me, I nodded, "I now crown you Theas, king of Theayr." Everyone in the room bowed. The man walked over to me, "Princess are you ready?" I nodded, "Princess Grayce do you swear that you will uphold the King's decisions and if the King is unable to make decisions take over rule of the kingdom?"

"I do. Thank you, sir. Theas, go. Your family needs you, now!"

Theas walked away with the guard. Not two minutes later a guard comes into the room, "Miss Grayce, Brakstom has escaped."


"Miss, he is not in his cell. He is gone."

"No, no, no, no, no. Not now, not today!'


"Find him!"

I looked at the letter in my hand. As I read it again that night I noticed a watermark at the bottom on the page, "BR what could that possibly me- BRAKSTOM!!"

I was worried sick about Theas for two months when his parents came, "Miss Grayce-"

"That's Queen to you, and the proper way to treat a queen is to bow," I interrupted, my voice raw and bitter.

"Queen Grace. I hate to inform you, but, Theas has-" his mother said.

"King Theas."

"King Theas is, well, the King is missing," I gasped, my heart breaking. His mother started again,"He may even be dead."

"No!" I screamed. "Your king sent word. Why did your king send for help to us? Your kingdom has plenty of people, why send to mine? Oh that's right your king didn't!!! It was your son, Brakstom."

"The king sent word to a man from our kingdom," she smiled. "Tell me, had the ceremony been finished when he was summoned?"

"Ye-. No, no it wasn't."

"Then he was summoned as a-"

"No he wasn't. He had been crowned as the Prince which made him a part of this kingdom."

"You told me the ceremony wasn't over."

"The ceremony to make him the King."

I dismissed them and went into my room. There was a knock on the door, I composed myself, "Come in."

The Captain of the guard came in, "Queen Grayce there is a man here. He wants to see you."

"What is his name?"

"I don't know. He says he is here to give you a message from Him."

I stood up and walked out of my room. When I got to the entrance hall, I was greeted by a most unusual guest. He was wearing a long dark cloak, spoke with a raspy voice, and never showed his face, "Ma'am, I was asked to give this to you," he handed me an envelope

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