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The next day while taehyung while taehyung quietly napping at he's desk,he looked up and saw a red balloon floating infront of with a note at the end of the string,saying...

"This color represent my love for you."

He looks around and sees jungkook outside of there class room door with a heart forming with his fingers and smiling at him with his bunny smile.

Taehyung quickly look around the classroom to find anything pointy to pop the balloon with.

He looks around the floor and saw a safety pin,probably fell off from one of his girl classmate's uniform.

Taehyung picked the safety pin up whilst calling jungkook's name trying to get his attention.

"Jungkook!!! look here."

Jungkook quickly turns around and looked at taehyung with a cofused yet happy face.

"Yes taehyungie???."

Taehyung looks at jungkook with the safety pin in his right hand and the red balloon in his left hand.

Taehyung pops the balloon while shaking his head mouthing 'its never gonna happen'

Jungkook's eyes widened and started tearing up

He took his hands and placed it at his face covering it, he glanced at Taehyung one more time and started running away with his hands covering his face, crying.


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