Chapter 6

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Two days passed and Jo called me.

"Hey. Us girls wanted to go out tonight. Would you like to come too?" She asked. Then she added "It would be good for you. You would get off work for a while."

"Okay, sure. Just tell me when and where."


So after two hours I went to a restaurant after work with Joanna to see our friends. We were the last ones to arrive. I greeted all of them and sat down.

"So, girl. What's up?" Ella asked right away.

"Oh nothing much. The preparations for the fashion show I planned soon are making me tired." I explained to her.

"And that's it? No love, no one special?" Nora asked.

"No. I'm too busy with work to think about that." I told them.

"Oh please, Eve stop it. Why are you still thinking about that jerk James. He's gone. The end. He won't be coming back to you or to anyone. He gave up on love too, just like you did. Now he is a loner. Travelling the world for business." Joanna said. "I mean I don't want to insult you, but I don't want you to end up like him."

"I know. Thank you girls. But I just can't. The business is going good, amd a boyfriend will just distract me. And don't call me Eve, call me Lina, if you are going to use a nickname." I said to Joanna.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot about that." Joanna apologised.

For about an hour and a half we talked about things that happened recently in our lives. And then I remembered the other night.

"I have to tell you girls something. The other night Lisa sent me a letter, and a package. Some of my things that stayed at James." I said looking down.

"Why would she send you such thing?" Hailey asked.

"James gave her his apartment, and while she was cleaning she found an old book of mine and a necklace that was supposedly meant for me. There was a picture of me and James, and another one of our hands together. She said she wants to see me sometime. And that she wont tell James that I'm back." I told them everything.

"Well I don't know what to say about that. It is a little bit weird." Elena said.

"Yeah. Why didn't she just burn it?" Ella asked.

"Well, let's not think about that. Maybe we could go to a club, to get your mind off of it Lina. What do you say girls?" Joanna asked.

"Oh yeah. We could also call the boys to join us. Jack will probably be there too." Elena said looking at me.

"Well, I need to see with Alex. If his parents can take care of the girls." Nora said.

And that's how we ended up in a club an hour later with their boys and Jack.

We were all sitting at a table, when a song that I never heard before started. Judging by the reactions of my friends, they already knew what song this was. Slowly the couples got up to dance, leaving only me and Jack at the table.

Not knowing what to do or say, I just sat there. Until Jack decided to break the ice.

"They're all dancing. What do you say, should we join them?" He asked me.

"I'm not really good at dancing, so I will stay here." I said. It wasn't that I don't know how to dance, I just didn't want to embarass myself. Although I know nobody will probably look at me.

"Well, then, I'll stay here too. I don't want you to be alone." Jack said.

"Oh, please. Go and have fun. Don't just be here because of me. I can manage alone." I said. I really didn't want him to miss having fun because of me.

"It doesn't matter. I'm having a lot more fun here with you." He said.

For a while we sat there in silence, occasionaly sipping our drinks. Suddenly "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5 started singing.

I really like this song, and Joanna knows it. That's why she came to the table and pulled me to the dance floor.

The two of us danced together until Alan came and took her away. I wanted to get back to the table, but then I felt a pair of hands on my waist. When I looked behind, I saw that it was Jack. I continued to dance with him throughout the night with many different songs.

When the night came to an end we all said our goodbyes and they left, only leaving me and Jack behind.

"Do you need a ride?" Jack asked me.

"Well, it would be nice, if it's not a problem." I said.

"Okay. Get in." He said with a smile. "Can you tell me your adress?" He asked me.

"Um, you can take me to my office. My car is there. I came with Joanna today from work to meet with the girls. Now ahe went with Alan, and I didn't wanna bother them." I explained to him.

"Okay, I know where your office is." He said. "So I hear work is going good for you." He added.

"Yeah, it is. It's going great. Soon we will have a fashion show." I said.

"Oh, will I be invited?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, of course. It can't go without my friends, and you are one of them." I told him.

"Ouch, babe. It hurts to be friend-zoned." He said putting his hand over his heart.

Then both of us laughed. I looked at him for a moment. I don't think I've ever seen him this beautiful. He had a pompadour hair style, a white T-shirt, casual jeans and a leather jacket. And if you looked closely, you would see how bright his blue eyes were.

"By the way, you looked beautiful tonight babe. That look suits you." He said. I then looked down at myself. I had black jeans and a red blouse on. My hair was let down.

"Well, thank you. But it's nothing special. I have to say, you don't look bad yourself." I said to him.

"Is that your way of saying I look hot?" He asked as he parked the car in front of my workplace.

I got out of the car, turned around and said: "Whatever suits you hottie". I winked at him and closed the door of his car.

As I walked towards my own car, he drove past me. I smiled the entire time throut the ride. He is a very nice guy, or at least he seems like that.

I got into my apartment while thinking about Jack. I couldn't help but compare him to James. They are very different from each other, but at the same time very alike. And no matter who I meet, I always look for James in them. Maybe that's the reason I will probably be forever alone.

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