Don't Leave Me

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(Keith's Perspective.)

"So, the kids are playing. Time for adult talk."

Rachel says while scanning the table.

"Pidge, find anything new?"

"Not really. I did help restore some of the tech they had though."

Her eyes move to Shiro.


"Aside from running around giving commands, the answer is no."

Adam fills in.

"I did other things."

"You never relaxed. We're not fighting over this Takashi."

Shiro pouts and Rachel's eyes move to Hunk.

"How about you?"

"I learned a few new dishes while also helping them make some new stuff."

"That's cool."

She turns to Lance next.

"And you?"

"I helped with some combat stuff but was mostly at the orphanage there."


He shrugs.

"I like kids and I missed my family."

"He had major home sickness."

Pidge says.

"To be fair, I felt the same way when we were launched into space as teens. That time I had Keith. This time I didn't and that made home seem even farther away."


I look at Lance in surprise and he shrugs absently.

"There was nothing that could be done."

Everyone's eyes seem to land on me waiting for an explosive reaction.


I say softly. He looks over at me as if waiting for the same thing.

"I felt the same way."

"I can account for that."

Shay adds in.

"Nyma and I were there. He was the most uncoordinated I'd ever seen him. We had to beg him to go out with us."

"We're still sorry about that."

Nyma adds in from beside Matt.

"It's fine you guys. I've already said that."

"Sorry about what?"

Matt asks.

"It was supposed to be a break but there was this stupid guy."

At that all the men in the room go stiff.


Shiro snaps.

"It's okay."

Shay supplies while grabbing Hunk's hand.

"He didn't do anything."


Matt demands.

"The night before you got home."

I feel Lance's eyes on me but I refuse to look.

"We'll be right back."

He says while grabbing my hand and pulling me up after him.


Nyma question.

"Let them go."

Matt says behind us. I let Lance drag me out of the room and down the hall away from everyone else. He stops and turns to look at me.

"What happened?"

"It's really fine."

"No, it's not. You had been crying when I got home. You don't cry so it's obviously not fine."

"How do you know I was crying?"

"Because I know you."

"Shiro's known me longer than you and he still can't tell."

"I'm not Shiro. He raised you but I fell in love with you. Those are two different things."

He guides my face up to look at him.

"Please tell me."

"He just came over and started talking to us."

"Did he touch you?"

I don't have to say anything for him to know.

"What else?"

"I hit him then went home."

"So why were you crying?"

He asks softly.

"Because I was alone. Anna was gone and you were gone. He was drunk and flirting and I was scared. You've always been there but you weren't. We didn't know where you guys were and I didn't have anybody."

A sob escapes before I can stop it and in seconds I'm wrapped in Lance's arms. He holds me tightly to his chest and buries his face in my hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Please don't leave me."

I whimper.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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