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It's everywhere, the shadows walking by, the nightmares stirring your thoughts at night, the twitching of your anxiety going slowly across your body.
It is what drives you, what breaks you but most importantly, what makes you.
It's a growing pain inside your chest, wondering what makes it go away, but it never does. Does it?
Stirring you emotionally making you mentally drained and only wanting your body to shut off, just for even a second to even feel remotely normal, but you can't, you can't make it go away. There isn't an undo button. It is there, your demons, your being, yourself.
But then
There is this second
The smallest moment
That it finally goes
And we gain hope
The fear we don't face becomes our limit
You are standing in front this line between your fear and freedom
You want to cross it, so desperately, but you are being pulled back and you don't know how to fight.
We don't fear the unknown
We fear what we think about the unknown
Deep inside your mind, behind all the negativity, behind every fear there is a reason. Our fear becomes a reaction and courage becomes a decision, this doesn't mean you won't be afraid, this means you won't let fear hold you back.
Our fear will become as deep as we allow it to become.
When you run to it, it will runaway.
We must choose courage above all
You will fall
You will rise
But what matter is if you stood back up
Willing to put another fight
Save yourself from the demons, don't let yourself get pulled back in again

Cross the line
Save your soul
Be free


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