( fourth poet )

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she was there
sitting around a group of peers
eyes shaped like cresent moons due from laughing
you can't even look at her without having
this certain feeling
your heart keeps telling you
"it's a he!

you can never love a girl
let alone conquer
her pure and holy soul
because you'd be the toll
the victim of this tragedy
that you cause by yourself
and when you're searching for remedy
the dead end, is yourself"

you'll swallow guilt
like a bitter pill, dear
and when you see tears fall down againts her silk cheek
you'll try to seek her
and touched her
oh mother, look at your daughter
she has sinned!

mother, it's a she
it is not a he
all boys can suck ass
but the time ain't fast, dear mother
i can't run to her embrace, mother
let alone, she can't run to my embrace
because if i did try running,
a slap on the face is what greets me first

then a goodbye
and she'll sit there alone
watching as my soul fades from my body cruelly
dear god, i have never ever liked a girl so much
so full i have sinned so so bad
why is it forbidden?
i have to keep my feelings hidden
my first actual feelings
hidden inside my stone hard
waiting it to be cracked
by her

mother help me!

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