Chapter 1

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My name is Amelia Galavan. When I was fifteen I was shot and killed by Jeremiah Valeska as an attempt to get closer to Bruce Wayne by taking my place. He tried doing it to Selena, the only thing is she survived. He tried on me three days after Ozwald had killed my sister, and he actually succeeded with me. I remember waking up and roaming around Gotham although what I found was that Gotham wasn't an island where the criminals ruled their territory and that everyone had returned. The first night back I tried to kill Ozwald for killing Tabitha but Bruce or Batman as everyone calls him, stopped me and took me to his house where I stayed for a year. Jason and I had become close in that year, we even started dating at one point. I had tried many times to kill Ozwald and once this Joker guy but I stopped with him after he had almost beaten me to death. I had gotten my own place when I was seventeen and moved in there, Jason would come over almost every day.  See Jason was the one thing keeping me sane. I mean dying and coming back twenty seven years later and with everything and everyone gone, what's even the point of living. I didn't have that until I met him, but like everyone else we had a few arguments here and there. But little did I know one argument would be the cause of utter destruction.

"Why do you have to do this?" I asked running my hand through my hair.

"Amelia I have the right to know if you're still a criminal!" Jason yelled.

"So what, You can put me behind bars? Why can't you just trust me when I tell you I'm not a criminal?" I asked.

"Because you kill people, for fun!" Jason yelled.

"I'm a Galavan, Jason! Tabitha basically taught me how to kill people before I could walk! I grew up doing Theo's dirty work for him!" I yelled.

"So you are the cause of these murders!" Jason yelled pointing to the news.

"No I'm not! Jason I haven't killed anyone since we started dating!" I yelled.

"Really and I'm supposed to believe that?" Jason asked with a scoff.

"Yeah, you are because you and I don't lie to each other." I said sternly.

"Then why are you lying right now?" Jason demanded.

"You know what, get out." I said sternly.

"What?" Jason asked, shocked.

"You heard me! If you can't believe me or trust my say, then there's the door. Get the hell out." I said sternly pointing to my apartment door.

That night Jason would leave and he'd go missing, for three days. I would spend every minute of those three days interrogating people for anything on his location. It wasn't until one night when I had gone to Bruce to see if he had found anything that I would find that my worst nightmare had come true.

I walked into Wayne Manor and towards the Bat Cave with Alfred. He had said that Bruce had found Jason and he was going to bring him back. Alfred and I sat in the cave for about ten minutes talking about random things when the bat mobile actually arrived. I had ran over to the car but then the door opened Bruce came out holding a scarred, bleeding, and bruised Jason. My heart sank and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Amelia.." Bruce started.

I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No. No." I said putting my hand over my mouth.

"I was so close.." Bruce started.

I dropped to my knees screaming

"I tried everything I could." Bruce said.

My hands balled into fists and I sobbed.

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