Always watching

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I sit down on the couch with the others, holding really tight to the weapon but ken takes it off me "why were you trying to run off?" Clare asks me as I look up at her "I wasn't, I was just trying to get that man" I reply , "well let us know next time" ken says taking a puff from his smoke.

I ignored ken and glanced up at the tv but there was a sudden knock at the door "hellloooo?" I hear a woman call out "coming" Kate says as she opens the front door to see a tall woman that was very colourful "revy here?" She asks as Kate closes the door in her face then looking straight at us with a concerned look "who was that?" Clare asks standing up from the couch "it's Cassy" Kate replies still worried "I'll get it then." I tell them heading to the door then opening it.

"What" I say to Cassy as she lets herself in "nice to see you, I've heard so much stuff about you, dear. I just thought I'll step by-"
"Enough talk, did you see me before, out in the woods?" I ask her looking at her outfit "well I noticed you were stuck before with that creep so I was thinking about helping you but Clare came". Cassy replies taking a seat on the couch "do you know him?" I ask Cassy, standing up in front of her "oh him?" She asks but then giggles "tell me" I tell her cutting her giggles off "the nightmare he says is Rider, he's about your age with stuffed up thoughts like you, revy. But with him, he has a obsession with you" Cassy tells me looking outside the window "knowing him he's probably watching you right now" she tells me giving me the creeps "what should I do?" I say Putting my hand over my head, what if he gets in my way on killing 200 people? What if he kills me?

"Nothing because you can't, just let him do whatever. he's not gonna hurt you" Cassy tells me but it made me wonder, did he just started watching me?

I take off my clothing and seated on the bed I glance up to the mirror to see myself as a different person "this is me now" I tell myself as I turn off my lamp but then getting creepy vibes so I turned it back on to see Rider seating at the end of my bed. "Cute." Rider whispers under his breathe "your just creepy, I know your a stalker" I tell him looking away blushing "you only know because Cassy told you"
"No I knew"
"Like you said I'm a 'stalker' I see and hear everything"
"Shut up"
I replied not saying nothing after that, I felt so weird of the fact that he was looking at my body so I grabbed my pillow and hugged it "don't be shy, little mouse" he tells me as he takes the pillow off me and started leaning into me, breathing onto my neck "get off" I command him, I try pushing him but he pins me to my bed "I'll get off you if you let me do whatever to you" he tells me as he starts to lick my neck "stop" I mumble under my breathe but Rider keep going.
"Come on little mouse lets play" he whispered into my ear as he takes off his coat, I look away in embarrassment trying not to think anything on what's going on right now "Rider stop.." I command again but again he ignores and starts to lick down my body "we don't need these" he says to me pulling off my panties with his teeth.

"Stop" I repeat as he throws the panties to the other side of the room "go get them then" he tells me licking his lips then giving me a grin revealing his sharp fangs, I sigh and got up straight away to grab them then but he pulled me back down, making me lay on top on Rider "stop teasing me" I tell him making him chuckle "revy, grind on me" he tells me as I look away, I should get someone but my cry's will excite him and there's no point on trying to get away cause he's too strong, there was no use "fine.." I mumble as I slowly started grinding on his crotch. "Don't hide the fact that your a dirty girl" he tells me and he grabs onto my ass "shut up" I tell him as I started getting flustered but again all he does is chuckle to my words "keep going little mouse" he commands me and I so continued, every movement I made Rider letted out soft moans. "Rider, can I stop now?" I ask but he pulls me over and began kissing my neck "not yet" he tells me as I feel a pinch in my neck I grip onto the pillow, tight as I can but then I felt something brushing against my thigh so I look down to see him completely naked "your naked!" I shout as I blush but he covers my mouth with his lips.

I tried to take control over myself and do the right thing but it was to late, he had me to his self. Rider forced himself in mE making me moan, I wanted him to stop, I can't let him do this to me "aw what's wrong?" He asks me as he starts licking my neck again but then the door creaked open and Rider stopped. I look at the door way to see Kate "what the fuck!?" Kate yelps with her face bright red "Kate, get him off me" I tell her as I cover my face "no, you got it" kate says leaving the room and shutting the door behind, leaving the room to complete silence.

Rider gets up and gets dressed as I put the sheets over my naked body, I rubbed my neck to see blood on my hand "you bit me" I say to him looking at him "of course I would, I can't resist your fresh blood" Rider tells me as he walks out of the room but I grab his arm "why are you doing this?" I ask him trying to keep eye contact with him "because your cute and I want to help you" he tells me as I let go "I meant to kill you" I tell him looking back at my hand "if you kill me now then, how will you know who to kill next?" He asks me "I don't know" I reply "whenever you need a hand remember, I'm always watching you" he tells me as he walks off, disappearing into the shadows once again.

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