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Hi everyone out there!!!

Here's the next chapie 😊😊😊

I dedicate this chapie to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous chapie.


Vanshika's POV:

I got inside the car beside the driver as Harry said that he had to discuss something with Mr.Smith.

The drive was smooth until a car decided to stop suddenly in-front of us. The driver had to apply sudden brakes. Even though we had our seat-belts, we moved forwards suddenly. We both got in contact with the glass. Luckily, the glass didn't break. Mr. Smith shouted on the poor driver . What could the driver do? I thought. Mr. Smith asked me to sit back beside him. Harry is also back so we had to sit close to each other. It didn't feel right somehow.

After reaching Mr.Brown's company, Mr.Smith is back to his normal self. I must admit that this version of Mr.Smith is much better.

I have been getting weird stares from everyone throughout the meeting. Of-course everyone will look like that when you wear a party dress to a meeting. PA of Mr.Brown approached me asking for a date in the afternoon. Even before I could reply Mr. Smith answered no. The deal was a success just as we've planned.

Mr.Smith said that we will be leaving in the evening. He took me to a huge mansion saying that we will have lunch there. The mansion is very large spread across few acres. The mansion had a homely feel and it's beautiful. There are approximately 5 storeys when I saw it from outside. It looked like a palace in short. We entered the mansion and someone came and greeted both of us and directed us to the dining hall.

The dining hall looked like a royal dining hall. A huge table where about 100 can dine at once is situated at the centre. We sat at one end. Mr.Smith sat beside me. I felt nervous. Who else is going to accompany us for lunch?

After few minutes, one man and woman approximately of 50 years age came.

They sat opposite to us. A man dressed in butler uniform began serving us lunch. After serving a variety of dishes on the plate leaving no place on the plate, all the servants left.

" I'm happy to meet you at last.You look beautiful." The woman spoke. She had warmth in her voice and smile on her face.

I didn't know who she is. I however greeted her " Good afternoon Mam."

" Don't call me Mam dear. Call me Victoria. I am Robert's mother. He's Samson, my husband." She said as if sensing my confusion.

" Okay Victoria." I gave a light smile.

Mr.Samson, however didn't have a happy face like Victoria or Robert.

" Let's start our brunch." Victoria spoke.

Everyone started eating. I felt self conscious all of a sudden feeling the gaze of 2 persons on me. I slowly began eating.

After sometime which seemed to be hours, Victoria spoke " I'm very glad that you both agreed for this. I have waited for this from a long time. "

" Sorry, I didn't get you?" I asked wanting not to be rude.

" Mom, what did I tell you? What did you say?" Robert whined. This is something not common, seeing Robert whine.

" I'm sorry my boy. I'm so excited about your wedding." Victoria said.

" Congratulations Sir." I said to Robert.

" Don't call him Sir at least now Darling, you both are getting married. He's no more superior to you." Victoria said.

I was literally shocked. I instantly got up from my chair stumbling back.

Robert also stood beside me and I turned to look at him. I couldn't read what his facial expression meant.

" I've not agreed to marry him. Sorry Victoria and Mr.Samson." I said still in shock and came out of the dining hall.

" I'm happy now." I heard Mr.Samson say.

I didn't understand what was happening there.

I walked fast towards the entrance.

" Vanshika..." Mr.Smith called me.

I couldn't say anything. I just stopped in my place and I could feel Mr.Smith nearby.

" Mom is not supposed to say that. She should tell that I like you." He said.

" I'm at-least happy to know what you are planning Mr.Smith." I said.

" I can't work anymore Mr.Smith. I'll submit my resignation right after going to my hotel room." I added and started walking again.

" Wait Vanshika." He called out again.

" Vanshika I like you so much. I've always cared for you. I made sure that you got a comfortable room to stay whenever we had meetings, in fact I asked the hotel staff to give you a room just like mine. I've never shouted on you like I do on other employees when they do errors. I can't be away from you even for a day, that's why I ask you to accompany me to all the meetings held out of town. Don't resign Vanshika." He said.

All this is very hard to digest. That was what harry was pointing at when he came the other night. Now it all made sense. But I can't do this. I love Nate and my Dad fixed my marriage with someone and I am going to my home after these many years. Of all, I don't love Mr.Smith.

" I need to go Mr.Smith." I said.

" I love you Vanshika. Please don't go." He said.

Nothing is going into my ears except the word Love.

" I don't love you Mr.Smith. I love someone else. " I said.

His face fell and I felt bad for him.

" I'm sorry Mr.Smith. You've helped me by giving me a good job when I needed. I came to England only to escape from him. I've never had a trouble in all these years. I've seen you as my boss all these years. I've thought you as my friend recently. I can't be anything more than that Mr.Smith. I'm going back to my native place. I am really sorry. I know how much it pains to be rejected, yet here I am giving you the same pain. I am a bad person Mr.Smith. I'm not the one for you. Please apologise to your parents on my behalf." I said and came out.

I started walking out of the house leaving behind my Secretary job and breaking all the ties with Mr.Smith, whom I thought as my friend at one point of time.

That's it for now friends

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I'll dedicate the next chapie to the one who votes first on this chapie.

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