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Hi everyone out there!!

Here's the next chapie...

I dedicate this chapie to my friend Farzana_farzee for voting first on the previous chapie....

Thank you everyone for the 500 reads😇😇

Jonathan's POV:

Though I did something which is not appreciable, Vani cooked for me. She made me eat when I'm feeling bad about myself.

I didn't expect her to kiss me but she did it, maybe she had done that because she don't want me to be regretful. I want her to know that my love isn't just physical so I denied her kiss. But the way she said that she knows about it and kissed me, made me to respond back.

She looked too cute when she wanted another kiss immediately. I couldn't bring myself to deny her and my heart yearned to see happiness radiating from her.

She really prepared the food well. Only after eating I realised that she hadn't eaten. We walked into the kitchen to clean the plates.

After that we came back into our room, I made her sit on the bed and I kneeled down in-front of her.

I took out the paper from my pocket and gave it to her. She took the paper from my hands and began to unfold it.

I very well know what was written in it.

She opened the paper and she had a mortified expression on her face.

'Very much expected' I thought.

" How did you find this?" She asked still examining the paper.

" Should I feel insecure that my wife wrote a love letter to someone?" I asked her innocently.

" Noo" she responded immediately in a hurry.

I just smiled at her.

" Tell me na Minnu. I have hid it in my room long ago. I don't exactly know where it would be until now." She said cutely.

" I took it when I came here in the next vacation." I said and she was shocked.

" You knew that I love you from then itself!" She exclaimed unbelievably.

" Yes, but I thought what you had for me was a mere attraction  and it would fade away. Three years later, I was shocked when you asked me if I love you. I was tensed all of a sudden. I wondered why you asked that out of nowhere. Having many thoughts running in my mind I told no to you. 'What would I do if anyone comes to know about this?' I got worried that they would scold you or for worse they wouldn't allow us to meet again. When aunty told me that you were going abroad, I wanted to stop you. I wanted to tell that going away would solve nothing. I knew that you still like me when I looked into your eyes at the airport when you were leaving to England. I felt bad that I'm the reason that you are staying away from your parents. Those tears from your eyes haunted me many nights later on. Truth to be told, I liked you too. I don't exactly remember when I started liking you, but when you asked me if I love you, I wanted to say I like you not in a normal way but I refrained myself thinking that you'll do something childishly. Also your dad never liked me. Whenever you came close to me he used to go all mad, he never let me stand beside you in the pictures. He didn't allow us to sit beside each other in a car and at that moment I couldn't help but wonder, would he approve of our relationship? Never would he agree. The answer was crystal clear. So I didn't want to complicate things.

I didn't want you to have false hopes. So I said no to you. After you left, I began noticing the changes. Unknowingly my heart yearned for you. I would be thinking about you for a long time without my will. Whenever I came to your house to see Bunny, your absence teased me. The house was eerily silent without your talks and laughs. Uncle and aunty had lost their usual smiles. Bunny couldn't make them smile like you used to with your silly acts. Whenever we played a game, I realised how much we missed you. Though none of them said loudly, I could see that everyone missed you and I missed you too. When we played UNO or chor police, I realised that you wantedly helped me win at many instances. At the times we three had hangouts or sleepovers, they used to be short and calm unlike the never-ending chit chatting ones we had when you were here. We would just talk and fall asleep soon. Noone used to force me to take a selfie or a group pic. Though everyone took care of me, I would still imagine how you would look after me if you were here. I missed our staring moments. I missed the times where you used to smile just by seeing me and before you ask how do I know about it, I have noticed you doing so many times. Whenever you ran in the bus stand to tell us bye one more time extra than the others, I thought that you're crazy to do so but later I realised that you considered us as special.

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