I Need You

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Crap! He was not ready for this at all Alec thought as he laid back on his assigned bed in their temporary Idris home. Tonight Alec would most likely see Magnus for the first time since they had broken up two weeks ago and to be honest he really was not looking forward to it one bit. In an hour the Clave was holding a big dinner party for all of the heads of all of the institutes all over the world. Also all of the more important Downworlders were invited, meaning Magnus was invited. Meaning Alec would see Magnus as no one ever turned down the Claves invitation to anything. By the Angel he was tired, he hadn't really slept much since the break up, his nights being plagued by nightmares from the night in the subway tunnel. A repetitive dream where instead of breaking up with Alec his warlock is killed by Camille. Deep down Alec knew this dream couldn’t come true, as Camille was dead, but it still freaked Alec out, not that he would mention it to anyone. In fact he had barely spoken to any of his family and friends since the break up apart from telling them he was no longer with Magnus and it was all his fault. Izzy was the only one that had come to him and gotten the full story out of him. So it didn’t really surprise him when Izzy came barging through his door.

"Come on Alec! We have like an hour till the dinner and you haven't even showered." Izzy scalded him.

"Does it really matter if I shower or not Iz? Its not like I'm trying to impress anyone." Alec said softly.

"Look I know you are still upset and hurt but this is a perfect opportunity to show that glittery warlock what he is missing. So I took the liberty of picking out an outfit for you to wear." Izzy says while shoving a box towards him. Alec opens the box to reveal a black suit with a deep, dark blue dress shirt. "Now you have something to wear please go have a shower and get dressed I will be back in exactly 30 minutes to make sure you have done what I asked. Now hurry up already I need to get ready." Izzy says pulling Alec until she's pushing him into the bathroom, most likely standing there until she hears the shower turn on.

"Its useless." Alec whispers once he steps into the shower. There's no way he would ever have a chance with Magnus now. He screwed up too much for that to ever be a possibility.

20 minutes later when Alec feels he has sufficiently wasted enough time standing in the shower not doing anything he steps out grabs a towel and wanders into his room to get dressed. He wonders if his sister would let him walk out the house in his own clothes rather then the suit. Yeah Alec that’s likely he thinks as he starts to shrug on the shirt and pants. Minutes later he hears his sisters heels clicking on the floor moments before his door is swung open.

"Good you're dressed, the suit looks good on you by the way brother." Izzy beams, examining her work.

"Yeah look I feel a little sick maybe I shouldn’t go." Alec lies badly.

"Yeah and I have no fashion sense. Look Alec just grow some balls and face you ex, I'm sure it won’t be as bad as you think it will be. There's a lot of people going tonight so there's a good chance you won’t even see him the whole night. So put your shoes on and come downstairs we are leaving in 2 minutes." Izzy says sternly, turning, then walking out of his room and down the stairs.

"Shit." Is all Alec says before putting his shoes on and walking downstairs to his awaiting family.


"See what did I tell you Alec? It has been like 40 minutes and still no sign of Magnus." Izzy says in a happy tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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