Cross Paths

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Chapter 2

Monday, April 7, 1988

Its raining outside. Supposed to be, I just walked 10 kilometers away from my house to my school to saved money for transportation but now its raining, nany is worried for i was easily caught by disease.

"Yes mom, its raining. Im now riding in the car. Yes, yes. I will"

As i was talking with my mom, i passed to someone that is familiar. But i cant recall it. So I stopped. Its raining hard, and I cant pased by someone that was already soak in the rain and I want to know this person.

"Hold on"

"Don, you cant just get out, it raining so hard"

"Hello? Im gonna bring my pink umbrella"

So i go out. And shared my umbrella to that person. Shockley, it was the girl who shouted at me in the mall last time.

"What are you doing?"

"Come on, lets go inside, its raining hard and your wet already"

So she went inside the van with me. I ask her.

"Wheres your dwarf?"


"I mean your little sister"

"Shes not going to school, its raining hard"

"So do you?"

"I have to"


"Its the only way I can get through fairness"

I dont understand what does she meant that way. We arrived to school, exactly 7:30 in the morning. Were not late, and were not too early too. The rain stops. An early sun shines, yellowish-orange. I cant describe the sun but it signifies a new day, a new life and a new hope.

"Thank you for letting me ride with you"

"No problem, Ill see you aroung girl!"

I was supposed to be naughty, but talking to her seemed so different. Like I wanted her to praise me. I WANTED her to be my friend for sometime. We walked from side to side ways. I stopped at a moment and look at her again. She does too. And I smile.

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