Dreams that Kill

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Dreams that Kill.

Im filed with memories so hazy
rested Eyes, I smell like daisies

Can barely  sit nor stand im lazy
Need a chair to empty

These crazy thoughts
Poured upon me
By actions i may never understand

As a lamb slain by no innocent hands
Im constantly being put to death
But "that's life"

Overused comments to calm the demon
Within me

This is my dream
Déjà vu supreme

A broken record
But I always break them
Set a bar higher then my peers

But it resets
Again and Again
Im in tears

I pay for better days
Not for years

Because the future is too much
Fo me to handle

Cry with me
Our tears will wash the dirt
From his sandals

Take me now
To heaven

But for now these dreams kill
The earth i call


- Dreams that Kill -

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