Chapter 9

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"Y/N GET DOWNSTAIRS QUICK" my mom yells.

Lucky for her I'm already up. Wait. It is a school day...crap!

"Coming" I mutter. I walk downstairs and see a cockroach in the middle of the floor and my mom hanging from our chandelier. "Ma what the hell?" I asked, not too surprised, seeing as she pulls things like this a lot.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE KILL IT!" she yells. I walk up to the poor thing and speak to it.

"Is she scaring you?" I ask it. "Uh huh, I just came because I heard there was plenty crumbs for me and my family" they responded.

"Oh? Well they're right! I'll give you some crumbs and send you out kay?" I smiled, letting it crawl on my finger.

"Yes please, thanks ma'am!" they said. "No problem" I grin, while opening our door and setting it down. Once I'm done with my deed I walk inside and upstairs to get ready.


I see Teruhashi walk in the class and three guys walk up to her and ask if she needs anything.

She attempts to shoo them away but it didn't work so she just walked to her desk while the guys followed her.

When L/n arrives all the boys flock to her while she just pretends they aren't there. But even though all of the boys in our class are following her,  she walks up to me. "Hey Saiki" she smiled.

"Hey L/n" I respond.

"I've been WAY more careful and I haven't gotten into any trouble lately" she says like a little kid.

"That's good, good job Y/n" I said.

"H-Huh" she stutters. Oops I said her first name.

"Sorry it slipped out"

"Nuh-uh it's fine cause your my best friend!" she exclaimed.

That weird feeling in my stomach is back again.

"Thanks...I guess you're my best friend too, since I don't really have any friends to begin with" I say in a low tone and turn my head away because my face felt hot.

This is getting kinda weird.

"WAAAAH! HE CAN CALL L/N BY HER FIRST NAME!?" All of Y/n's fanboys ask/yell. "You can call me by first name, or whatever" I tell her still looking away.

"REALLY? Thanks uh....Kusuo" Y/n said, overly excited. Teruhashi starts glaring daggers at me and Y/n.

"Oh hey Teruhashi!" Y/n says while waving at her.

"Hey L/n, nice to see you" Teruhashi said. Although in her head it was completely different.


Why is she talking to him? I specifically told her to back off! How in the world can she make Saiki turn his head away in embarrassment when I can't! I mean I knew she was a little better but now she's seeming like my complete superior! Damn L/n!


I wait in the front of the school to wait for Saiki and the others. After a little bit of waiting I see Chisato.

"Hey L/n how have you been?"she asks. "Good thanks, but I wanted to ask you something" I say.

"Kay" she responded.

"Why do you like Kuboyasu?" I ask.

D-Don't laugh when I tell you, okay"

"I promise"

"B-Because he reminds me of...a grape! And well, grapes are my favorite fruit" she exclaims. I stare at her in disbelief.

"That's it?" I ask.

"No, I also kinda like how he's strong and funny he is" she tells me. "BUT DON'T TELL HIM THAT" she yells.

Soon enough Kaido, Kuboyasu, and Nendo all come to the front gate. "What's up Mera" Kuboyasu says while he walks up to her. She blushes and squeaks out a "U-Uhm nothing".

Aw, that's pretty cute.

Then I see Teruhashi and Saiki walk out together. I know nothing happened because I read both of their minds but it made me mad to see them together. I don't know why but it did. "Hey guys come on" I yell. Once we start walking I feel something touch my hand.

I look down and see my hand perfectly intertwined with Saiki's. I blush madly thinking of how Saiki grabbed MY hand first but I didn't for long I just enjoyed the moment.

Perfect II Saiki Kusuo x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now