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This city, held together completely by the legend of just a measly blade, the legend passed down for generations in hope that someone will be able to claim such a blade for themselves, a blade that retains such massive power that any human would be unable to comprehend without getting their hands on such a blade.

Children are born here quicker than in most cities, only to train for a treasure that they will never attain, a treasure that will not accept just anyone.

From the start of your life, you're told crap about how you could be the next knight, or the next hero. All you have to do is move the sword only slightly and  ALL that immense power will be yours, and nobody can stop you.

They do not tell you that the sword will not accept anyone's call, nor does it rely on strength alone. They fill your head full of crap to get you to work harder so they can exploit you if you manage to attain the power of the blade.

It lays on display where anyone can see it just by entering the building almost as if they're advertising it to the public, like some sort of toy that they found. Where they themselves can not understand the dangers that the blade holds secret.

The first time you will directly encounter the sword is on your first day of middle school, where the school system will give you a "Free Field trip" the the "mall" as they call it. The trip is free, however, all they do is have you attempt to pull that devil of a wooden sword from its stationary position.

They embed the sword into our daily lives, into our schools, into our conversations. The blade rules supreme over everyone as it drives us to succeed. Every gym class, every recess, every lunch period you are made to train your body to accept the sword.

They say the sword has divine powers... however, they are full of crap. The power the sword holds within itself is far from pure or divine, it's pure evil.

And it needs to be stopped.

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