Part 1: The Sword That Controls Her Life

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The sun shone brightly through the thin curtains of a dark, slightly cluttered room, filling it with its warm light.

Books and workout gear cluttered the floor of the room nearly covering the entirety of the floor with only a few spaces in between them as well as the pictures that filled each wall of the room, ranging from famous boy-bands to pictures of family and friends.

Then, in the far corner of the room sat a bed with a lump in the middle of it, curled slightly. The lump began to move as the light shone on it, easily penetrating the blanket, annoying the being underneath them.

The lump slowly began to crawl up towards the head of the bed before the covers slowly began to be removed from the lump revealing a head of blonde hair following by piercing blue eyes as the being slowly sat up in the bed.

The blanket slowly slid off their bare body, revealing several discolored sections of skin, purple while the rest remained a tanned white. The feminine being gently pressed their pointer and middle finger against one of the spots, wincing slightly from the shock of pain it sent through their body.

The pain lingered for a second before the girl slowly stood up, her hair gently dragging along the bed before the tips gently fell, reaching the heels of her feet, scrapping against the ground as they slowly walked towards the large closet, her bare feet gently and skillfully navigated the cluttered floor.

The girl slowly pulled the door of the closet open, peering into it for a second before grabbing her uniform consisting of; a white, long sleeved undershirt, a long sleeved black coat and a basic skirt.

She took a second to scan over the uniform, before gently sliding it over her body, tying the matching bow to it shortly after. 

Her blue eyes stared back at her from the mirror as she examined herself, making sure not to have any irregularties so she did not stand out from the other children on her first day. She wanted to remain hidden.

Her eyes slowly shifted to the door of the room as she slowly made her way towards it, starting the day.


"Ammmmy." A young girl's voice whined, bringing the girl back from her thoughts, causing her to glance towards the voice's origin.

Standing in front of her was a young looking girl around her age. She had long black hair held up in a ponytail much like herself. Her beautiful cinnamon colored eyes stared deeply into Amy's.

The girl smiled softly at her as she gently shook Amy's shoulder. "Did you sleep well, Am?" she asked the taller girl, causing her too to smile.

"Yeah, I slept decently well." Amy answered bluntly as she gently plays with a strand of her blond hair that even in a high ponytail reached down to her tailbone. 

The new girl removed her hand from Amy's shoulder as she spins in place. "How does it look?" She asked, motioning to her uniform excitedly.

The blonde haired girl gently rested her chin in the space between her thumb and pointer finger as she examined the girl in front of her.

"It looks amazing, Emily, very mature." Amy said teasingly after a few moments of silence, causing the girl, now known as Emily to laugh softly. "Right, right." She said as she turned away from Amy.

"You're amazingly mature, look at you! You just entered middle school and you already have a highschooler's body. You're going to become very popular." Emily exclaimed, glancing back at Amy from the corner of her eyes.

Amy just waved her hand dismissively as she began walking passed Emily towards the entrance of the school building. "I'm just tall, I'm not really that pretty, I won't be as popular as you." Amy finished as she walked through the front gates.

Emily opened her mouth slightly to say something, but refrained, quickly following Amy into the school area.


The classroom filled with the soft chatter of people talking with their friends that thankfully got the same class as they had, or people making new friends. However, Amy wasn't so lucky. She resented the fact that Emily had been given a different class at the last possible moment, leaving Amy alone in a room full of people who were already creating their little groups.

However, it wasn't very long after that she heard something that perked her interest, but for the opposite effect. "I bet I could lift the sword easily!" A male's voice exclaimed in their group of friends.

Just those words alone caused Amy's fists to clench as she stared down at her lap in an attempt not to draw attention. She hated any talk of that foul object that seemed to govern everyone's life. 

She luckily enough didn't draw a lot of attention to herself at the moment as she sunk in her seat slightly, dismissing the conversations around her as the soft ringing of the school bell flooded the rooms, echoing slightly even after the noise ceased.

The sound seemed to govern the kids as they quickly rushed to their designated seats, quickly sitting and ceasing all conversations as a tall, slightly muscular man slowly stepped into the room, his eyes scanning the desk for any and all irregularities before standing at the desk in the front of the room.

He slowly raised his hand, running it through his short, brown hair before his eyes met Amy's. They retained eye contact for a few moments, hazel eyes clashing with blue, neither giving in to the other.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Takani?" His voice carried heavily through the silent air, seemingly echoing slightly in the room, causing the children to follow her gaze.

Amy jumped slightly from the voice, she hadn't noticed that she was staring just by pure habit as she quickly waved her hands, sitting back in her seat. "A-Ah! My apologies sir!" She exclaimed in an attempt to get the eyes off her as she slumped back in her desk, using her hand to cover the side of her face to block some of the gazes.

Much to her dismay, even after the Teacher began talking, the children's eyes never fully left her. She had drawn attention to herself. 

This was going to be hell, and she knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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