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Long ago in the world of Regnum before the first Great War, Humans and Faunas each held their own continent. These continents now known as Cale and Pago set in the west and east respectively with a great ocean on each side separating the two. Both the Faunas and Humans sailed to the uttermost north continent –now known as Solas- this is the closest large landmass to each of them. Upon arrival they each began claiming much of their new land before discovering the other race. Naturally when Humans first see something that looks akin to them, speaks like them but has animalistic traits and features, they will try kill it. This led to the first Great War, after decades many souls and land was lost to both sides. During the worst part of this war a new enemy even greater than others ever seen before arose from the burning ashes of their war. The Grimm, twisted monsters of darkness and hatred attracted to emotions such as sorrow and loathing. Humans and Faunas now on the brink of extinction did the only thing they could to survive against this greater threat. They united and formed The Coalition to fight back against these new horrors. During their current war a new crystalline substance known as Dust was discovered. This crystalized energy rich substance which encompassed a multitude of effects, most been elemental in nature. The discovery of Dust led to a technology boost of unforeseen proportions. With The Coalition now wielding a great source of raw power they were able to create new weapons of a much greater calibre than once before. Cities built were able to sustain themselves using Dust as a source of energy and a way to accelerate crop growth. Using other unique Dust properties they were able to create airships, allowing faster resource and troop deployment, this in turn led to strong economies been built. The Coalition no longer fought Grimm to survive but to live. They fought with weapons they could instantly kill a normal man or beast, but still the Grimm resisted. A decade later after the discovery of Dust, a new race was born Evo's. Humans and Faunas alike can became an Evo. Evo's have a greater physical prowess and accelerated healing capabilities and each Evo has a unique distinct power(s). Some Evo powers can be passed down heretically, while the rest are random chance as to what they might be. An Evo is either born, gifted of powers straight from birth –though most only display them later in their life typically around adolescence- or they are created through a traumatic event such as surviving a Grimm attack. With the rise of Evo's and the technological jump granted by Dust, The Coalition had a chance to fight and survive even in the face of a Grimm, but while The Coalition evolved and grew so did the Grimm....

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