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"Hey GUYS, we have to talk!!
It is serious!!" Haruka say seriously in the club room to everyone.

" What happen to her??" Ai whispered to others.

" I don't know?" Kana say.

" What is serious??" Akari say to haruka.

" Tomorrow....." haruka say while holding her hand together.

"Tomorrow??" Everyone say in a sync.

"  Tomorrow.....
We are going on the field trip!
So we gotta enjoy every moment of it." Haruka say with excitement.

" What the??" Kana say with disappointment.

" You Idiot!!
We know that already!!" Mami shouts and beat haruka to death.

" But i ... am really looking forward to it." Haruka say while lying on the ground half dead.

"We know that but we all are in different class.
You and akari are in same class but me, mami and kana are in different class." Ai sad say.

" yeah, I wanted to go together too.
Different class stay in different room's and  train." Mami say.
" Sorry, may be next time!!" Akari say with an smirk.
" you really wanna go with her!!" Ai say.

" But we can't help it." Kana say while laughing sadly.

" Who said we are going to be in diffrnt hotel room?" Haruka say while smiling.

"What do you mean??" Kana say.

" our class is going last, right akari??" Haruka says  while looking at akari.

" What Is it about??" Mami say and everyone looks at haruka, while haruka smiling.


" Where are the remaining kids??
All the classes have gone now!!
Even other classes teacher told me to pick their students." Sakura sensei was roaming around at the station worried.
( Sensei means teacher in Japanese.)

" Sensei!!
Train is in 15 minutes!
What if they don't come?" Some students say.

" I know but we will wait for them!!" Sakura sensei say.

Just before the train arrival, haruka, mami,kana, akari and Ai comes.

" all are here!" Sakura sensei say while crying happy tears.

" Sorry sensei, we all got up late." Haruka say while laughing stupidly.

"Forget it, atleast you all are HERE. " Sakura sensei say.

" YEAH but sensei, these three are from different class." Haruka say
while pointing at  mami and others.

" well their teacher told me to take care of them.
But as a punishment you four have to stay in the same room.
Usually only two kids stay in one room.
And this young guy will stay with field trip president, Zen." Sakura sensei say.

" yay...." haruka shout with excitement but mami hits her.

" Don't make it obvious that we were late on purpose." Mami whispered to haruka.

" let's go, sensei.
Everyone is here, afterall" haruka say.

" No, Everyone is not here.
Ryuzaki is not here yet." Sakura say
while looking around.

" What??" Haruka goes to Zen who was flirting with girls.

" Hey girls, I am the president for school trip.
If you need any help..." Zen was flirting but haruka interferes.

" Hey, flirting worm!!
Do you know, why Ryu isn't here yet??" Haruka say.

Girls laugh and leave Zen.

" what the heck??
I am popular here, don't ruin my reputation." Zen shouts at me.

" Yeah Yeah!!
Now can you tell me!!" Haruka say while cleaning her ears.

" You little....
He is not interested in coming, you see.
He never was." Zen say.

" Why??" Haruka ask.

" He was just like that from the start.
Always alone and aloof.
We get to know each other because he was interested in music." Zen say.

Give me your phone." Haruka ask Zen for his phone.

" why??
Well take it!!
Just don't see other stuff.." Zen say.

" what do you mean??
I smell something!!" Akari say to Zen who was standing by haruka.

" Where did you come from???" Zen get shocked.

Zen gives haruka his phone.

" Hello!!"
" Where are You?" Haruka ask.

" Why are calling me, with Zen's phone??" RYU ask.

" just tell me, teacher is asking." Haruka say.

" I at home!
I am not coming." Ryu say and hangs up.

" hmm...
Where is Ryu's house??" Haruka say.

" what will you do, by knowing it??
It's not like you can go!!" Zen say.

" Just for knowledge, tell me." Haruka say.

" well the biggest building near our school, 5th floor." Zen give her whole address.

" Kids, train is here!!
Get on!" Sakura sensei announce.
everyone gets on the train.

But haruka was standing in one place.

Akari was standing with her while holding hands with her.

" Haruka, what are you thinking??" Akari say.

" Akari, it's my first trip, I want to enjoy with everyone.
You go with everyone." Haruka say while smiling.

Akari stare at haruka then leave her hand slowly.

" Don't be late!!" Akari say.

" uhmm!" Haruka nods.

" Is everyone on the Train??" Sakura sensei asks.

" No, sensei!
Haruka isn't here." One girl say.

" What??
Where is she??" Kana say while looking around.

" Akari, where is she??" Mami say while worried.

" she had gone to pick up Ryu!!" Akari say.

" What??
That idiot!!" Mami say.

" what's gonna happen Now??" Ai say.

"She told us to pick a nice room!" Akari say while smiling.

Haruka was running very fast.

"Did something passed me??" Some one in the street say when haruka passed him.

" That IDIOT Ryu!!
Who does he think he is??
Skipping trip like this!
But these iron gloves are really in the way!" Haruka say while running.

" This is the biggest building and I have to go to 5th floor." Haruka say and starts running.

Ryu was weight lifting, he hears constantly his door bell ringing.

Ryu ignores at first but the number only increased.

Ryu goes to the door with a irritated face and opens the door with a slam.

" finally opened!!" Haruka say while huffing.

" What are you doing here??" RYU ask straight.

" I came here to pick you.
Let's go!!" Haruka say.

" Didn't I tell you, I am not coming??" RYU say.

" come on, you should enjoy with others.
I came here after missing my train with everyone." Haruka say while bragging.

" Don't you think, you are getting ahead of yourself?
I helped you sometime because it wasn't personal but now it is getting personal." Ryu say with an angry face.

Haruka looks at him.

" pffff!!
Do you really think, you can scare me with your face??
I am here to pick you up and I will do It." Haruka say.

" You are persistent!
So, what are you gonna do?" RYU ask.

" I won't leave you alone!!" Haruka say.

" Then do it!!" Ryu say and starts cleaning his place.

The door was open, so haruka enters.

" come on, let's go Ryu.
If you didn't then I won't be able to either." Haruka say but Ryu ignores get.

Haruka see Ryu's guitar and she stare at it.

" Hey, do you love your guitar?" Haruka ask but Ryu ignore her again.

Suddenly a bang sound came

Ryu, your guitar broke." Haruka screams.

Listening to this Ryu comes in the room running.

He came into the room and see that there was no one.

Ryu turns and see that haruka was standing beside the door and she has Ryu's guitar.

" What are you....???" RYU was asking but haruka say

" Your guitar is too precious for you, right??
Then if you want it, catch me." Haruka say and starts running to the exit.

" wait!!" Ryu say and follow her.

Haruka was running at her full speed while Ryu was chasing her.

" I can't believe this guy!
He is almost at my speed, at this rate, He is gonna catch me.
Where is all my training??
But Ryu, now match this up." Haruka say and jumps on the wall and starts running.

But Ryu was catching up to her even on the wall.

"If you give my guitar back now, I may forgive you." Ryu say.
"I don't want your forgiveness, baka." Haruka say.

They both enters metro station.

" yes!
This is the train, that can take us to the trip." Haruka thinks but Ryu grab her hand at the last moment.

" Now, give me my guitar back." Ryu say with scary expression.

" So it's like this, huh!!
I have to use my special weapon." Haruka say.

" What???" Ryu say cluelessly.

" Zen said you are not good with physical contact!!" Haruka say.

" What are you saying??
Give me my gui....." Ryu was saying but haruka come close to him and give a peck on his cheeks.

In shock, Ryu leaves haruka's hand and she run inside the train.

Ryu was standing there cluelessly.

" Ryu, how long are you gonna stand there??
I have your guitar, remember." Haruka shouts from the train.

Ryu get out of it and goes inside the train to follow haruka.

" GIVE IT BACK!!" Ryu say scarily.

" okay!!
Take it, it's yours." Haruka say.

Haruka give back Ryu's guitar but the train doors gets closed.

" oops, now we both have to go the trip." Haruka.

Ryu gets piss off.

" You go.
At the next station, I am going back." Ryu say.

" So you want me to travel alone.
What if something happened to me??
Because if you, I missed my train with my friends.
Take responsibility!!" Haruka say.

"I didn't asked you to!!" Ryu say.

" are you an idiot??
You are gonna leave a girl alone for this long trip." Haruka say.

Ryu ignores her.

" FINE!!
You can go wherever you want!!
Just remember, if something happened to me, tell my brothers that it was your fault." Haruka say emotionally and sits down.

Ryu looks at her and signs.

" hahhh!!
Okay but after dropping you off, I am coming back." Ryu say and sits beside her.

" yes!!" Haruka thinks and laugh an evil laugh.

" But whatever happens, Don't touch my guitar again." Ryu say.

" okay!
But isn't it amazing, my first trip is with my rival." Haruka say.

" it sure is!
But don't ever do that again too." Ryu say.

" What??" Haruka ask.

" it's not good for girls to kiss anyone!" Ryu say.

" You are not anyone!
You are my Rival." Haruka say while smiling.

" You are an idiot!!" Ryu say while smiling.

" Oh!!
I forget to tell you!
THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS, even though it was on cheeks." Haruka say while smiling.

" What??"


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